Examples of Portfolio Data Sending Entity in a sentence
Dealer is a Portfolio Data Sending Entity and Counterparty is a Portfolio Data Receiving Entity.
For purposes of the EMIR Protocol, the Dealer confirms that it is a Portfolio Data Sending Entity, Counterparty confirms that it is a Portfolio Data Receiving Entity and the Agreement shall be deemed a Protocol Covered Agreement (as such terms are defined in the Protocol).
Dealer is a Portfolio Data Sending Entity and Issuer is a Portfolio Data Receiving Entity.
For purposes of the EMIR Protocol, the Dealer confirms that it is a Portfolio Data Sending Entity, Counterparty confirms that it is a Portfolio Data Receiving Entity and this Agreement shall be deemed a Protocol Covered Agreement (as such terms are defined in the Protocol).
Applicant Response: As shown in the attached plans, all areas considered toward the landscape island area requirement are a minimum of 5' in width; all provide ample room for the proposed trees and plantings.