Operation and Maintenance Manuals definition

Operation and Maintenance Manuals means the manuals described as such in Appendix C (Scope of Supply & Project Schedule).
Operation and Maintenance Manuals means the operating manuals for the Facility provided by Contractor pursuant to the Construction Contract, and the operating data, design drawings, specifications, vendor manuals, and similar materials provided by Owner to Operator with respect to the Facility.
Operation and Maintenance Manuals means and refers to detailed and comprehensive procedures, guidelines and instructions explaining each aspect of the proper operation and maintenance of each component and each system comprising the BXXX, as well as the BXXX as a whole. Any such manuals supplied by Vendors and manufacturers of the Components shall be collected together with the sequence of operations manuals to be prepared by the Contractor, all in an organized set of binders.

Examples of Operation and Maintenance Manuals in a sentence

  • The State department or agency for whom the construction project is being completed.1.1.29 Work: All construction, supervision, labor, material and equipment necessary to complete the obligations under the Contract including Operation and Maintenance Manuals, Punch List completion, and As-Built Documents.

  • Receipts for transmittal of Operation and Maintenance Manuals, Brochures and Data to the Design Professional (or Commissioning Agent) as required by Section

  • Operation and Maintenance Manuals: Assemble a complete set of operation and maintenance data indicating operation and maintenance of each system, subsystem, and piece of equipment not part of a system.

  • The Contractor’s Documents shall comprise the technical documents specified in the Employer’s Requirements, documents required to satisfy all regulatory approvals, and the documents described in sub-clause 5.6 [As-Built Documents] and sub-clause 5.7 [Operation and Maintenance Manuals].

  • The Contractor shall carry out the Tests on Completion in accordance with this clause and sub-clause 7.4 [Testing], after providing the documents in accordance with sub-clause 5.6 [As-Built Documents] and sub-clause 5.7 [Operation and Maintenance Manuals].

More Definitions of Operation and Maintenance Manuals

Operation and Maintenance Manuals means the operation and maintenance manuals for the [Secondary Distribution Network]/ [Energy System]29 as provided to ESCo by the Developer during the [Acceptance testing]/[Adoption testing] procedures set out under [Schedule 7 (Acceptance Procedure)]/ [Schedule 8 (Adoption Procedure)].
Operation and Maintenance Manuals has the meaning set forth in Section 3.5(p).
Operation and Maintenance Manuals means the manuals described as such in the specifications and being in accordance with Best Engineering and Construction Practices.
Operation and Maintenance Manuals means the documents which fully describe how the Vehicles, the Trains and any items of Supplied Equipment should be operated, serviced, maintained, repaired and overhauled, to be produced by the Contractor (in electronic format) and agreed with the Owner in accordance with Sections 12.6 and 12.9 including the manuals set out in Part 2 of Exhibit 6 and the manuals required by the Train Technical Specification;
Operation and Maintenance Manuals means the manual(s) and/or related computer programs prepared by the Operator, its Affiliates or Subcontractors, containing detailed operating and maintenance procedures and other specific instructions, policies, directories, drawings, diagrams, schematics, parts lists, and other literature provided by Equipment suppliers and Subcontractors or developed by the Operator during the Term of this Agreement for the purpose of providing guidance in operating, maintaining, repairing, and replacing all mechanical, electrical, and control instrumentation systems installed in the Facility.
Operation and Maintenance Manuals means the manuals provided to PREPA under the original equipment supply contract, as updated from time to time.
Operation and Maintenance Manuals means the instructions for the operation and maintenance of the Facility to be prepared by Contractor as described in Section 10.1, and as more fully described, as to form and substance, in the Scope of Work.