Examples of Joint Powers Agreement in a sentence
A County (or JPA of two or more Counties) that has joined CalMHSA and executed the CalMHSA Joint Powers Agreement.
Buyer is organized as a Joint Powers Authority in accordance with the Joint Exercise of Powers Act of the State of California (Government Code Section 6500, et seq.) pursuant to its Joint Powers Agreement and is a public entity separate from its constituent members.
The Member may directly participate on CPCNH’s Board of Directors, Finance Committee, and Risk Management Committee pursuant to the Joint Powers Agreement.
This Cost Sharing Agreement (i) affirms that the resolutions and articles of the Joint Powers Agreement, as applicable herein, represent a mutual and collectively beneficial approach to cost allocation, whether Members are active or withdrawn from CPCNH, (ii) obligates CPCNH to carry out cost tracking and allocation for recovery from Member CPA revenues in accordance with the methodologies and procedures herein, which are intended to ensure fairness across all Members.
The Joint Powers Agreement carries with it several elements with which this Cost Sharing Agreement shall hold generally consistent but apply specifically to this Cost Sharing Agreement.