Examples of Economic Minimum in a sentence
If after clearing, a resource has a Capacity Supply Obligation below its Economic Minimum Limit, it must meet the requirements of Section III. III.13.4.5. Annual Reconfiguration Auctions.
A Generator Asset that is online as a result of a Self-Schedule will be dispatched above its Economic Minimum Limit based on the economic merit of its Supply Offer.
The Economic Maximum Limits, Economic Minimum Limits, Minimum Reductions and Maximum Reductions are not used in determining the amount of energy (MW) in each marginal Supply Offer or Demand Reduction Offer to be cleared on a pro-rated basis.
A New Capacity Offer for a resource may not be for less capacity than the resource’s Economic Minimum Limit at any price, except where the New Capacity Offer is for a capacity quantity of zero.
However, the Day-Ahead schedules resulting from the pro-ration process will reflect Economic Maximum Limits, Economic Minimum Limits, Minimum Reductions and Maximum Reductions.
If the ISO is able to honor a Self-Schedule request, a Generator Asset will be permitted to come online at its Economic Minimum Limit and a Dispatchable Asset Related Demand will be dispatched to its Minimum Consumption Limit.
Consistent with Section 36.1.1 of the PJM Tariff, to the extent its generating facility is dispatchable, a Market Participant shall submit an Economic Minimum in the Real- time Energy Market that is no greater than the higher of its physical operating minimum or its Capacity Interconnection Rights, as that term is defined in the PJM Tariff, associated with such generating facility under its Interconnection Service Agreement under Attachment O of the PJM Tariff or a wholesale market participation agreement.
A Project Sponsor may specify a single MW quantity at or above the Economic Minimum Limit to which offers may be rationed.
Consistent with Operating Agreement, Schedule 1, section 1.7.4(i), to the extent its Generating Facility is dispatchable, an Interconnection Customer shall submit an Economic Minimum in the real-time market that is no greater than the higher of its physical operating minimum or its Capacity Interconnection Rights.
Intermittent Power Resources that are Dispatchable Resources with Supply Offers that do not clear in the Day-Ahead Energy Market and are not committed by the ISO prior to or during the Operating Day must be Self-Scheduled in the Real-Time Energy Market at the Resource’s Economic Minimum Limit in order to operate in Real-Time.