dynamic assumptions definition

dynamic assumptions. ’ means eco- nomic assumptions that are used in determin- ing actuarial costs and liabilities of a retire- ment system and in anticipating the effects of long-term future—
dynamic assumptions means economic assumptions that are used in determining actuarial costs and liabilities of a retirement system and in anticipating the effects of long- term future—
dynamic assumptions. ’ means eco- nomic assumptions that are used in determin- ing actuarial costs and liabilities of a retire-

More Definitions of dynamic assumptions

dynamic assumptions means economic assumptions that are used in de- termining actuarial costs and liabilities of a retirement system and in antici- pating the effects of long-term future—
dynamic assumptions means economic
dynamic assumptions. ’ means eco- nomic assumptions that are used in deter- mining actuarial costs and liabilities of a re- tirement system and in anticipating the ef- fects of long-term future—

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