Examples of Council appointees in a sentence
Compensation Adjustments Vote – This Vote supplements other appropriations to provide funding for the increased personnel costs of collective agreements between the Treasury Board and collective bargaining units representing public servants, as well as collective agreements signed by separate employers, including members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian Forces, Governor in Council appointees and Crown corporations as defined in section 83 of the Financial Administration Act.
Members of Council shall not raise personnel matters pertaining to alleged improper performance or conduct of any city employee(s) or Council appointee(s) at a public Council meeting.
Council appointees as a Governor of an NHS Trust should not also be members of the Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee because of the potential / perceived conflict of interest.
For Council appointees, the City Council shall make the decisions otherwise delegated to the City Manager.
Unless otherwise written in a contract, the Policy shall also apply to the two Council appointees (City Manager and City Clerk) in regard to insurance, retirement and similar benefits (Art.
The State Council appointees are former high-ranking government officials (such as ambassadors), military officials, tribal leaders, and other notables.
The Mayor shall submit to Council appointees to a board, commission or committee at least three weeks prior to making their nomination.
In respect of Council appointees, guidance will be given to the Council’s Political Group Leaders to assist in putting forward Members to the Board.
Also under Committee Reports, Council appointees to University committees may report.
The Peace, Justice and Human Welfare Commission will be comprised of only Mayor and Council appointees.