Examples of Charter Market in a sentence
Planning permission for the market stalls will need to be sought.Licensing the area beneath the Sails for market trading – East Suffolk Council hasclaimed that it owns the market franchise, which may or may not be different to the Charter Market.
It was clarified that the proposal relates to the Sails site, if the market franchise relates specifically to the Sails, and does not mean no markets should take place, but aims to avoid a situation where there is confusion as to who needs to provide the permission for the land to be used, either under the market franchise or the Charter Market.
It was queried how East Suffolk Council could own a market franchise relating to the Sails site if the Charter Market on the adjacent Triangle forbids markets within a six mile radius.
Cllr Pearce proposed that there should be no joint ventures with East Suffolk Council at least until the issue with the market franchise and the Charter Market, and what they do and do not control, has been resolved.
The City Council changed the Charter Market Regulations (CMR) in April so that they have kept pace with current environmental concerns,but do not place an onerous burden on the many small businesses that operate.
Councillor McAll stated that a strategic solution needs to be produced on how the Charter Market fits into the Tourism plan.Councillor McAll proposed that the minutes from the Markets Working Party held on 5 September 2023 be received and noted as a correct record.RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Markets Working Party held on 5 September 2023 were received and noted, with one abstention.
Improvements required to support the intended use of the Sails – Cllr Pearce advised there are complications regarding the licensing, market franchise and Charter Market.
The Chair noted that the Charter Market is a big project and that the whole markets strategy needs to be reassessed.
It is also hoped that income from Bromley Charter Market may increase once the relocation to Bromley Town Centre occurs.
As implementation of this project would represent a change to the Charter Market Regulations, these proposals will be subject to 28 days consultation with all market traders, which will be taking place in December 2011.