Examples of Business Directory in a sentence
The Contractor can find details of Supported Businesses in the United Kingdom on the Supported Business Directory that is British Association for Supported Employment at Xxxx 0, 000 Xxxx Xxxx, ‘Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx XX0 0XX (Telephone: 00000 000000) or xxxx://xxxxxxxx.xxxx-xx.xxx/procurement.
To be recognized as a WMBE, register on the City’s Online Business Directory.
Such firms do not have to be certified by the State of Washington but must be registered in the City Online Business Directory.
The list of DBE firms certified in NY State can be accessed via the following link to the New York State Unified Certification Program Business Directory website: http://biznet.nysucp.net While only such DBE-certified firms will count toward attaining the DBE goal, the utilization of certified small businesses and M/WBE firms is also encouraged.
A list of certified SWaM businesses can be found at the following websites: City of Hampton Small Business Directory: http://hamptonpublic.hampton.gov/swam/search.aspx allows searches by SWaM type, city location and description of work.
Yes If Yes, registered on: Aboriginal Business Directory WA Supply Nation’s Indigenous Business Direct Both No The Respondent should note that its response to this Compliance and Disclosure Requirement: will be used by the Department of Finance for statistical purposes only; and will not be used by the Customer in its evaluation of the Offer.
The Minority Business Directory is available at the following URL: http://osmba.sc.gov/directory.html[04-4015-3]SUBMITTING REDACTED OFFERS (MAR 2015)If your offer includes any information that you marked as “Confidential,” “Trade Secret,” or “Protected” in accordance with the clause entitled “Submitting Confidential Information,” you must also submit one complete copy of your offer from which you have removed or concealed such information ( the redacted copy).
The Minority Business Directory is available at the following URL: http://osmba.sc.gov/directory.html[04-4015-3] RECYCLED PRODUCT (JAN 2006):Offeror shall identify which product(s) is made out of or contains recycled materials.
A list of certified SWaM businesses can be found at the following websites:o City of Hampton Small Business Directory: http://hamptonpublic.hampton.gov/swam/search.aspx allows searches by SWaM type, city location and description of work.o Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity www.sbsd.virginia.govThe SBSD website allows searches by company name, SWaM type, NIGP commodity code or description and Zip & NIGP Code.
He/she will consult such sources as the Maryland Department of Transportation Business Directory, the Lower Shore Contractors Association (a minority association), Shore-Up!, and O.U.R. Community, as well as any other group known to have knowledge of minority, small and female contractors.