Examples of BENPOS in a sentence
Decrease: Sold 10,107 Equity Shares on 31-03-2020.Note: The above changes in shareholding are derived based on weekly BENPOS statement or as duly intimated by the Promoter / Promoter Group.
The IA may then refer to the BENPOS to identify any of the redemption cases which were under pledge or are normal cases without any claim on it.
The IA should also count check on the number of account holders as per the BEN_POS file received from CDSL with the total number of Beneficial owner details as per the list of BO send to the Banker and that for printing of Dividend warrants or Pay orders.
No claims shall lie against the said Fund or against the Company for the amounts of dividend so transferred nor shall any payment be made in respect of such claims after the period of seven years from the date of declaration of such dividend.(ii) Electronic Clearing Service/Mandates/Bank detailsThe members may please note that Electronic Clearing Service (ECS) details contained in the BENPOS downloaded from NSDL and CDSL would be reckoned for dividend whenever declared.
All scope of work under Janitorial Services will be purchased by firm and then invoiced to Navajo DOT.
BENPOS can also be availed from the depositories for the Corporate Actions like payment of dividend, issue of bonus shares.
Beneficiary gives purchase / sale instructions to their Depository Participant.• Electronic settlements of trades are done on NSE/BSE which is connected to the Depositories NSDL and CDSL.• NSDL / CDSL provide the summary of the Share Transfers and the Shareholding data in electronic mode called the BENPOS (Beneficiary Position Data) to the RTA every Friday.
Process of Redemption: Page6One working day before the maturity date, IPAs will send a request to the depositories to give a list of investors (BENPOS report) as at the end of that day with their bank account details.
NSDL266644588.87%CDSL31435510.48% 298080099.35%Note: The details given above are as per BENPOS received from M/s.
Therefore, change is as per BENPOS maintained by Company’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agent.