Examples of Art in a sentence
The parties agree that employees are entitled to be paid for ART in situations where the contract requires compensation for travel, and ferry service at a particular terminal is shut down for the night or otherwise unavailable, and the employee, of necessity, must drive to another terminal for ferry service, or must drive around rather than taking a ferry, the employee should be compensated for such travel accordingly.
P ART B Custodian Terms The sections set out in this Part B are intended to provide a summary of the Custodian Agreement.
COMMUNITY / ART CENTER RENOVATION Once the Notice of Substantial Completion is issued, the Project Manager will develop a comprehensive “punch list” of any remaining items that do not conform to the contract requirements and issue it to the Project Superintendent for resolution.
The parties agree to use Schedule D, dated August 30, 2013, to compute travel time and mileage when direct ferry service is not available and an employee of necessity must use ART.
I N V E S T O R A G R E E M E N T P ART E Investment objectives and Investments Restrictions relating to the Service To offer the Investor the opportunity to invest into Private Trading Companies, which the Manager believes qualify for Business Relief after the Initial Period.