TRANSPORT SERVICES Upon the conclusion of such multilateral negotiations, the Parties shall conduct a review for the purpose of discussing appropriate amendments to this Agreement so as to incorporate the results of such multilateral negotiations.
Transport The Parents consent to the Pupil travelling by any form of public transport and / or in a motor vehicle driven by a responsible adult who is duly licensed and insured to drive a vehicle of that type.
Transportation Services i) In the event that transportation services for a student served by CONTRACTOR pursuant to an Individual Services Agreement are to be provided by a party other than CONTRACTOR or the LEA or its transportation providers, such services shall be reflected in a separate agreement signed by the parties hereto, and provided to the LEA and SELPA Director by the CONTRACTOR. Except as provided below, CONTRACTOR shall compensate the transportation provider directly for such services, and shall charge the LEA for such services at the actual and reasonable rates billed by the transportation provider, plus a ten percent (.
Transportation Transportation expenses include, but are not limited to, airplane, train, bus, taxi fares, rental cars, parking, mileage reimbursement, and tolls that are reasonably and necessarily incurred as a result of conducting State business. Each State agency shall determine the necessity for travel, and the mode of travel to be reimbursed.
Transportation Management Tenant shall fully comply with all present or future programs intended to manage parking, transportation or traffic in and around the Building, and in connection therewith, Tenant shall take responsible action for the transportation planning and management of all employees located at the Premises by working directly with Landlord, any governmental transportation management organization or any other transportation-related committees or entities.
Logistics The Client shall arrange their own transportation and accommodation, unless Client and Performer agree otherwise. If requested, the Performer shall arrange transport within Ostrava, and provide accommodation in a hotel.
Fuel The Vehicle must be returned with the amount of fuel equal to that at the time of the commencement of the rental. If the Vehicle is returned with less fuel, the difference will be charged to You at a rate of $5.00 per litre (which includes a service component).
PROCUREMENT CARD The State has entered into an agreement for purchasing card services. The Purchasing Card enables Authorized Users to make authorized purchases directly from a Contractor without processing Purchase Orders or Purchase Authorizations. Purchasing Cards are issued to selected employees authorized to purchase for the Authorized User and having direct contact with Contractors. Cardholders can make purchases directly from any Contractor that accepts the Purchasing Card. The Contractor shall not process a transaction for payment through the credit card clearinghouse until the purchased Products have been shipped or services performed. Unless the cardholder requests correction or replacement of a defective or faulty Product in accordance with other Contract requirements, the Contractor shall immediately credit a cardholder’s account for Products returned as defective or faulty.
Financial Management System Subrecipient shall establish and maintain a sound financial management system, based upon generally accepted accounting principles. Contractor’s system shall provide fiscal control and accounting procedures that will include the following: i. Information pertaining to tuition rates, payments, and educational assistance payments; and
Natural Gas 21.1 Subject to Article 21.2, the Indian domestic market shall have the first call on the utilisation of Natural Gas discovered and produced from the Contract Area. Accordingly, any proposal by the Contractor relating to Discovery and production of Natural Gas from the Contract Area shall be made in the context of the Government's policy for the utilisation of Natural Gas and shall take into account the objectives of the Government to develop its resources in the most efficient manner and to promote conservation measures. 21.2 The Contractor shall have the right to use Natural Gas produced from the Contract Area for the purpose of Petroleum Operations including reinjection for pressure maintenance in Oil Fields, gas lifting and captive power generation required for Petroleum Operations. 21.3 For the purpose of sales in the domestic market pursuant to this Article 21, the Contractor shall have freedom to market the Gas and sell its entitlement.