SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. A system or component that is considered significantly deficient, inoperable or is unsafe. SAFETY HAZARD - Denotes a condition that is unsafe and in need of prompt attention.
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SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. The issues of Children’s & Adults’ Vaccination, Seasonal Vaccinations and Vaccine hesitancy are well represented, since they are relevant issues to all stakeholders. However, Vaccine demand forecasting and supply information and Vaccine research and development are relevant to only2 dominant stakeholders.
SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. The prevailing issues relevant to the stakeholders are mainly Children’s & Adults’ Vaccination and Seasonal Vaccinations, and secondly Vaccine demand forecasting and supply information. No stakeholders relevant to Vaccine hesitancy or Vaccine research and development were identified.
SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. All identified stakeholders have a relevance to Children’s & Adults’ Vaccination, Seasonal Vaccinations, and Vaccine hesitancy. Vaccine demand forecasting and supply information is relevant to three stakeholders across the categories and mainly to authorities, while Vaccine research and development is only relevant to the pharmaceutical sector.
SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. The issues of Children’s & Adults’ Vaccination and Seasonal Vaccinations are common ground to all the identified stakeholders. Vaccine hesitancy is the third issue most relevant to all apart from three authorities, who also happen to belong to the category of the Influential stakeholders. The issue of Vaccine demand forecasting and supply information is associated with 5 Authorities. The issue of Vaccine research and development is particularly relevant to two Authorities, one research institute and the pharmaceutical industry, most of which have different levels of power and legitimacy. The project should find the common ground of all these stakeholders in order to try to engage them regarding this issue.
SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. The general issue of Children’s & Adults’ Vaccination is the one which is relevant to all stakeholders, while Vaccine hesitancy is the second most common issue. Both issues are relevant to all the Dominant category of stakeholders, meaning the project will find valuable collaborations for these. Furthermore, out of the four stakeholders relevant to Vaccine research and development, three are to be found in the Dominant category as well.
SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. All EU JAV significant issues are represented in the stakeholder mapping, with the Children’s& Adults’ Vaccination and Seasonal Vaccinations being relevant to 19 out of
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SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. No information has been provided regarding the specific relations between stakeholders and the significant issues of the project.
SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. All significant issues are represented by relevant stakeholders in the mapping. Vaccine hesitancy is the issue relevant to most stakeholders (54), having gained more interest due to the recent outbreaks of measles and flu. Almost all stakeholders in the Dominant category are relevant to all the significant issues. Table 0-7Greek national stakeholders Issues Stakeholder Children’s & Adults’ Vaccination Seasonal Vaccinations Vaccine hesitancy Vaccine demand forecasting and supply information Vaccine research and development Level of engagement Dominant Stakeholders Authorities, policy & decision makers (Ministries of Health, Public health agencies) Involve; Collaborate GR2 Hellenic Center for Disease Control & Prevention x x x x GR3 Ministry of Health, General Sectretariat of Public Health x x x x x GR4 National Immunization Committee x x x x x GR5 National Organization of Healthcare Services Provision x GR6 National Drug Organization x x GR7 Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs x x GR8 Ministry for Migration Policy x x x Research and Academia (Research institutes, Universities, Life and human science experts Relevant European scientific societies) GR9 National School of Public Health x x x x x GR10 Medical School, National and Kapodestrian University of Athens x x x x GR11 Medical School, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki x x x x GR12 Medical School, University of Patras x x x x GR13 Medical School, University of Ioannina x x x x GR14 Medical School, University of Crete x x x x GR15 Medical School, University of Thessaly x x x x GR16 Medical School, Democretus University of Thrace x x x x GR18 Institute of Child's Health x x x GR19 HELMSIC x x x x GR21 Pharmacy Department, National and Kapodestrian University of Athens x GR22 Pharmacy Department, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki x GR23 Pharmacy Department, University of Patras x GR24 Nursing Department, National and Kapodestrian University of Athens x x x x GR25 Nursing Department, University of Peloponnese x x x x GR29 Scientific Society of Hellenic Medical Students x x x x GR30 Hellenic Pasteur Institute x Healthcare professionals representatives, GR33 Hellenic Medical Association x x x x GR34 Medical Association of Athens x x x x GR35 Hellenic Society for Infectious Diseases x x x x GR36 Hellenic Pediatric Society x x x x x GR37 Hellenic Society for Infectious Diseases Control x x x x GR38 Panhellenic Pharmaceutical Association x x x x x GR39 Hellenic College of Pediatrician...
SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. There are identified stakeholders relevant with all significant issues. However, as most of the stakeholders relevant to issuesof Vaccine demand forecasting and supply information and Vaccine research and development are either vulnerable or marginal, the project should make special efforts in engaging effectively on the specific issues.
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