Clerical Error. Clerical error, whether by You or Us, with respect to this Contract, or any other documentation issued by Us in connection with this Contract , or in keeping any record pertaining to the coverage hereunder, will not modify or invalidate coverage otherwise validly in force or continue coverage otherwise validly terminated.
Clerical Error. No clerical error shall operate to defeat or alter any terms of this Agreement or defeat or alter any of the rights, privileges or benefits of any Enrollee or Employer.
Clerical Error. Notwithstanding Clause 16.1, STATE reserves the right to unilaterally fix clerical errors contained in the CONTRACT without executing an amendment. COUNTY will be informed of errors that have been fixed pursuant to this paragraph.
Clerical Error. Clerical error in keeping any record pertaining to the coverage will not invalidate coverage in force or continue coverage terminated.
Clerical Error. Our clerical errors shall not invalidate insurance otherwise valid nor continue insurance otherwise not valid.
Clerical Error. Notwithstanding Clause “Assignment, Amendments, Waiver, and Grant Agreement Complete” of this grant agreement, MDH reserves the right to unilaterally fix clerical errors, defined as misspellings, minor grammatical or typographical mistakes or omissions, that do not have a substantive impact on the terms of the Grant Agreement without executing an amendment. MDH must inform Grantee of clerical errors that have been fixed pursuant to this paragraph within a reasonable period of time.
Clerical Error. Clerical error will not deprive any individual of Benefits under this Policy or create a right to Benefits. Failure to report enrollments will not be considered a clerical error and will not result in retroactive coverage for Eligible Persons. Failure to report the termination of coverage will not continue the coverage for a Covered Person beyond the date it is scheduled to terminate according to the terms of this Policy. Upon discovery of a clerical error, any necessary appropriate adjustment in Premiums will be made. However, we will not grant any such adjustment in Premiums or coverage to the Enrolling Group for more than 60 days of coverage prior to the date we received notification of the clerical error.
Clerical Error. Notwithstanding Clauses “Assignment, Amendments, and Entire Agreement ” of this contract, Minnesota State reserves the right to unilaterally fix clerical errors, defined as misspellings, minor grammatical or typographical mistakes or omissions, that do not have a substantive impact on the terms of this contract without executing an amendment. Minnesota State must inform the Contractor of clerical errors that have been fixed pursuant to this paragraph within a reasonable period of time
Clerical Error. No clerical error on the part of the employer or claims processor shall operate to defeat any of the rights, privileges, services or benefits of any employee or any dependent(s) hereunder.