Definicija Redeployment Rate

Redeployment Rate means the fixed annual rate determined by the Bank, being a rate which the Bank would apply on the day of the indemnity calculation to a loan that has the same currency the same terms for the payment of interest and the same repayment profile to the Interest Revision/Conversion Date, if any, or the Maturity Date as the Tranche in respect of which a prepayment or cancellation is proposed or requested to be made. Such rate shall not be of negative value.
Redeployment Rate means the Fixed Rate in effect on the day of the indemnity calculation for fixed-rate loans denominated in the same currency and which shall have the same terms for the payment of interest and the same repayment profile to the Interest Revision/Conversion Date, if any, or the Maturity Date as the Tranche in respect of which a prepayment is proposed or requested to be made. For those cases where the period is shorter than 48 (forty-eight) months (or 36 (thirty-six) months in the absence of a repayment of principal during that period) the most closely corresponding money market rate equivalent will be used, that is the Relevant Interbank Rate minus 0.125% (12.5 basis points) for periods of up to 12 (twelve) months. For periods falling between 12 (twelve) and 36/48 (thirty-six) / (forty-eight) months as the case may be, the bid point on the swap rates as published by Reuters for the related currency and observed by the Bank at the time of calculation will apply. “Relevant Business Day” means:
Redeployment Rate means the fixed annual rate determined by the Bank, being a rate which the Bank would apply on the day of the indemnity calculation to a loan that has the same currency, the same terms for the payment of interest and the same repayment profile to the Interest Revision/Conversion Date, if any, or the Maturity Date as the Tranche in respect of which a prepayment or cancellation is proposed or requested to be made. Such rate shall not be of negative value. ”Reemployment” means, after the end of the Allocation Period, the re-assignment of the Allocation by the Borrower (or by the Intermediary) from a Project (either already approved by the Bank on the terms of the Letter of Allocation, Reallocated pursuant to Article 1.10 or previously Reemployed pursuant to Article 1.11) towards financing of another Project(s) in accordance with Article 1.11, and ”Reemploy” shall be construed accordingly. ”Relevant Business Day” means a day on which the Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement Express Transfer payment system which utilises a single shared platform and which was launched on 19 November 2007 (TARGET2) is open for the settlement of payments in EUR.

Examples of Redeployment Rate in a sentence

  • The value shall be calculated at a discount rate equal to the Redeployment Rate applied as of each relevant Payment Date.

  • The said present value shall be calculated at a discount rate equal to the Redeployment Rate, applied as of each relevant Payment Date of the applicable Tranche.

More Definitions of Redeployment Rate

Redeployment Rate means the Fixed Rate in effect on the day of the indemnity calculation for fixed-rate loans denominated in the same currency and which shall have the same terms for the payment of interest and the same repayment profile to the Interest Revision/Conversion Date, if any, or the Maturity Date as the Tranche in respect of which a prepayment is proposed or requested to be made. For those cases where the period is shorter than 48 (forty-eight) months (or 36 (thirty-six) months in the absence of a repayment of principal during that period) the most closely corresponding money market rate equivalent will be used, that is EURIBOR minus 0.125% (12.5 basis points) for periods of up to 12 (twelve) months. For periods falling between 12 (twelve) and 36/48 months, the bid point on the swap rates as published by Reuters for the related currency and observed by the Bank at the time of calculation will apply.

Related to Redeployment Rate

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