Definicija Loan Agreement

Loan Agreement means this agreement, together with any exhibits, annexes and schedules attached hereto as may be from time to time amended or modified by the mutual agreement of the Parties and which form the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter. "National Bank of Serbia" means the central bank of the Republic of Serbia (Narodna banka Srbije) with duties and responsibilities as defined in the Law on the National Bank of the Republic of Serbia ("Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia", no. 72/2003, 55/2004, 44/2010, 76/2012 and 106/2012; as amended or restated).
Loan Agreement means this agreement, together with any exhibits, annexes and schedules attached hereto as may be from time to time amended or modified and that form the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter.
Loan Agreement means the loan agreement between the Bank and the Borrower providing for the Loan, as such agreement may be amended from time to time. "Loan Agreement" includes these General Conditions as applied to the Loan Agreement, and all appendices, schedules and agreements supplemental to the Loan Agreement.

Examples of Loan Agreement in a sentence

  • All claims of KfW under this Loan Agreement expire after five years from the end of the year in which such claim has arisen and in which KfW has become aware of the circumstances constituting such claim or could have become aware of them without gross negligence.

  • The Minister of Finance and such persons as designated by him or her to KfW and authorised by specimen signatures authenticated by him or her will represent the Borrower in the execution of this Loan Agreement.

  • In the event that the Borrower is obligated by law or for other reasons to make any such deductions or withholdings on payments, the payments made by the Borrower will increase by such amount as necessary for KfW to receive in full the amounts due under this Loan Agreement after deduction of taxes and charges.

  • The Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and such persons as designated by him or her to KfW and authorised by specimen signatures authenticated by him or her will represent the Borrower in the implementation of the Programme and this Loan Agreement.

  • The Borrower will make all payments under this Loan Agreement without any deductions for taxes, other public charges or other costs.

  • The Commitment Fee will be charged if applicable with retroactive effect for the period beginning twelve months after the signing of this Loan Agreement and lasting until the date of disbursement of the Loan in full or, if applicable, until the date of definitive termination of disbursements from the Loan.

  • Disbursements will be made in accordance with the Disbursement Schedule contained in Annex 1 (Disbursement Schedule) to this Loan Agreement.

  • The indemnities contained in this Loan Agreement (including but not limited to this Clause 9.6) in favor of the Indemnitees shall continue in full force and effect in accordance with their terms notwithstanding (a) the termination of this Loan Agreement for any reason whatsoever, (b) the cessation by, or dissolution or change in the constitution of, the Borrower or any Indemnitee or (c) any other fact, event or circumstance of any kind whatsoever, whether similar to any of the foregoing or not.

  • This Loan Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, and this has the same effect as if the signatures on the counterparts were on a single copy of this Loan Agreement.

  • The rights and remedies under this Loan Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.

More Definitions of Loan Agreement

Loan Agreement includes these General Conditions as applied to the Loan Agreement, and all appendices, schedules and agreements supplemental to the Loan Agreement.

Related to Loan Agreement

  • Менично писмо овлашћење којим Изабрани понуђач овлашћује наручиоца да може безусловно, неопозиво, без протеста и трошкова, вансудски наплатити меницу на износ од 10% од вредности уговора (без ПДВ) са роком важења 30 дана дужим од рока важења уговора, с тим да евентуални продужетак рока важења уговора има за последицу и продужење рока важења менице и меничног овлашћења, Фотокопију важећег Картона депонованих потписа овлашћених лица за располагање новчаним средствима Изабраног понуђача код пословне банке, оверену од стране банке на дан издавања менице и меничног овлашћења; фотокопију ОП обрасца; овлашћење којим законски заступник овлашћује лица за потписивање менице и меничног овлашћења за конкретан посао, у случају да меницу и менично овлашћење не потписује законски заступник изабраног понуђача; Доказ о регистрацији менице у Регистру меница Народне банке Србије (фотокопија Захтева за регистрацију менице од стране пословне банке која је извршила регистрацију менице или извод са интернет странице Регистра меница и овлашћења НБС). Меница не може бити регистрована пре датума доношења Одлуке о додели уговора. Меница може бити наплаћена у случају да изабрани понуђач не буде извршавао своје уговорне обавезе у роковима и на начин предвиђен уговором или их буде извршавао делимично и неквалитетно.

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