Definicija Guide to Procurement

Guide to Procurement means the Guide to Procurement published on EIB’s website that informs the promoters of projects financed in whole or in part by the EIB of the arrangements to be made for procuring works, goods and services required for the Project.
Guide to Procurement means the Guide to Procurement published on EIB’s website[1] that informs the promoters of projects financed in whole or in part by the EIB of the arrangements to be made for procuring works, goods and services required for the Project. “IFRS” means international accounting standards within the meaning of IAS Regulation 1606/2002 to the extent applicable to the relevant financial statements.
Guide to Procurement means the Guide to Procurement published on EIB’s website1 that informs the promoters of projects financed in whole or in part by the EIB of the arrangements to be made for procuring works, goods and services required for the Project. “IFRS” means international accounting standards within the meaning of IAS Regulation 1606/2002 to the extent applicable to the relevant financial statements. “ILO” means the International Labour Organisation.

Examples of Guide to Procurement in a sentence

  • The Borrower undertakes to purchase equipment, secure services and order works for the Project by acceptable procurement procedures complying, to the Bank's satisfaction, with its policy as described in its Guide to Procurement.

  • The Borrower shall, and shall ensure that the Promoter shall, upon signature of each work or service contract relating to the Project, in line with the most recent edition of the Bank’s Guide to Procurement, as published on its website, promptly submit to the Bank copies of the relevant contract and the signed covenant of integrity.

  • The Borrower undertakes to and shall ensure that the Promoter shall, purchase equipment, secure services and order works for the Project by acceptable procurement procedures complying, to the Bank's satisfaction, with its policy as described in its Guide to Procurement.

  • All schemes shall be technically, economically and financially viable and sustainable, comply with the Bank’s environmental and social standards1, and be undertaken following the procedures as described in the Bank’s Guide to Procurement.

  • The Borrower undertakes to procure works, goods and services for the Project by procurement procedures agreed with the Bank and complying, to the Bank's satisfaction, with its policy as described in its Guide to Procurement.

  • The Borrower shall, and shall ensure that the Promoter to: purchase equipment, secure services and order works for the Project by acceptable procurement procedures complying, to the Bank's satisfaction, with the Bank’s Guide to Procurement.

  • The Borrower undertakes to purchase equipment, secure services and order works for the Project by open international tender or other acceptable procurement procedure complying, to the Bank's satisfaction, with its policy as described in its Guide to Procurement in force at the date of this Contract.

More Definitions of Guide to Procurement

Guide to Procurement means the latest version of the Guide to Procurement published on EIB’s website available at xxxxx:// that informs the promoters of projects financed in whole or in part by the EIB of the arrangements to be made for procuring works, goods and services required for the Projects. ”IFRS” means international accounting standards within the meaning of IAS Regulation 1606/2002 to the extent applicable to the relevant financial statements. ”ILO” means the International Labour Organisation. ”ILO Standards” means any treaty, convention or covenant of the ILO signed and ratified by or otherwise applicable and binding on the Republic of Serbia and the Core Labour Standards (as defined in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work).

Related to Guide to Procurement

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  • Менично писмо овлашћење којим Изабрани понуђач овлашћује наручиоца да може безусловно, неопозиво, без протеста и трошкова, вансудски наплатити меницу на износ од 10% од вредности уговора (без ПДВ) са роком важења 30 дана дужим од рока важења уговора, с тим да евентуални продужетак рока важења уговора има за последицу и продужење рока важења менице и меничног овлашћења, Фотокопију важећег Картона депонованих потписа овлашћених лица за располагање новчаним средствима Изабраног понуђача код пословне банке, оверену од стране банке на дан издавања менице и меничног овлашћења; фотокопију ОП обрасца; овлашћење којим законски заступник овлашћује лица за потписивање менице и меничног овлашћења за конкретан посао, у случају да меницу и менично овлашћење не потписује законски заступник изабраног понуђача; Доказ о регистрацији менице у Регистру меница Народне банке Србије (фотокопија Захтева за регистрацију менице од стране пословне банке која је извршила регистрацију менице или извод са интернет странице Регистра меница и овлашћења НБС). Меница не може бити регистрована пре датума доношења Одлуке о додели уговора. Меница може бити наплаћена у случају да изабрани понуђач не буде извршавао своје уговорне обавезе у роковима и на начин предвиђен уговором или их буде извршавао делимично и неквалитетно.