Virtual Collocation definition

Virtual Collocation shall have the meaning set forth in Sections and
Virtual Collocation shall have the meaning set forth in Sections and "Voluntary Federal Subscriber Financial Assistance Programs" are Telecommunications Services provided to low-income subscribers, pursuant to requirements established by the Commission or the FCC.
Virtual Collocation is As Defined in the Act.

Examples of Virtual Collocation in a sentence

  • If Requesting Carrier requests Virtual Collocation, or if requested Physical Collocation space is not available at a Premises and Requesting Carrier elects Virtual Collocation.

  • Collocation Transfer of Responsibility is available for Caged Physical Collocation, Cageless Physical Collocation, and Virtual Collocation.

  • In addition to the rates set forth in Item VII of the Pricing Schedule, if Ameritech must locate Requesting Carrier’s Virtual Collocation bays in its switch line-up, Requesting Carrier shall also be responsible for any extraordinary costs necessary to condition such space.

  • Requesting Carrier cannot convert its Virtually Collocated equipment “in-place” to of Physical Collocation available hereunder (e.g., no “in-place” conversion of Virtual Collocation to Physical Collocation).

  • Ameritech shall provide Requesting Carrier Physical Collocation on Ameritech’s Premises of equipment necessary for Interconnection (pursuant to or for access to unbundled Network Elements (pursuant to Article IX), except that Ameritech will provide for Virtual Collocation of such equipment if Ameritech demonstrates to the Commission that Physical Collocation is not practical for technical reasons or because of space limitations.

More Definitions of Virtual Collocation

Virtual Collocation is as defined in Appendix Virtual Collocation.
Virtual Collocation shall have the meaning set forth in Sections and ser Customer physically located within the same CenturyLink Local Calling Area (as approved by the state Commission) as the originating caller, regardless of the NPA-NXX dialed. VNXX does not include originating 8XX traffic. - or o format tha rmat, as determined in the "Voluntary Federal Subscriber Financial Assistance Programs" are Telecommunications Services provided to low-income subscribers, pursuant to requirements established by the Commission or the FCC.
Virtual Collocation is as described in the Act and defined in 47 C.F.R. § 51.5.
Virtual Collocation shall have the meaning set forth in Sections and ψΥΜΩΩ Σμ∴ααδ⊥” δν ∴γγ ομ∴ααδ⊥ ϕμδβδι∴ο_ ]τ ∴ Ο∴μοτ{ν ∆ι_ Τνμ Βπνοϕημ ∴ι_ _δ∴γ_ ρδοχ ∴ γϕ⊥∴γ _δ∴γδιβ κ∴οομι οχ∴ο δν ιϕο ομηδι∴ο_ οϕ οχ ϕοχμ Ο∴μοτ{ν ∆ι_ Τνμ Βπνοϕημ κχτνδ⊥∴γγy located within the same CenturyLink Local Calling Area (as approved by the state Commission) as the originating caller, regardless of the NPA-NXX dialed. VNXX does not include originating 8XX traffic. ψΥϕΗΟ-ΟΡΣΜ Σμ∴ααδ⊥” δι⊥γπ_ν ∴ιτ ομ∴ααδ⊥ κμθδϕπνγτ μαμμ_ οϕ δι οχ ≅βμηιο ∴ν ψΥϕΗΟ” ϕμ ψΥϕΗΟ Σμ∴ααδ⊥” ϕμ ψΗΟ ∆ι∴]γ_ Υϕδ⊥ Σμ∴ααδ⊥”− ∴ι_ δν _αδι_ ∴ν ομ∴ααδ⊥ ρχδ⊥χ δν σ⊥χ∴ιβ_ ]ορι ∴ ΒιοπμτΚδιφ ι_ πνμ ∴ι_ οχ ΒΚ∆Β ι_ πνμ δι Σδη Χδθδνδϕι Λπγοδκγσδιβ )ψΣΧΛ”∗ format that originates and/or teμηδι∴ον δι Ηιομιο Ομϕοϕ⊥ϕγ )ψΗΟ”∗ αϕμη∴ο− ∴ν _ομηδι_ δι οχ Νμ_μ− ∴ι_ ομηδι∴ον οϕ ∴ Ο∴μοτ{ν ∆ι_ Τνμ Βπνοϕημ/ "Voluntary Federal Subscriber Financial Assistance Programs" are Telecommunications Services provided to low-income subscribers, pursuant to requirements established by the Commission or the FCC.
Virtual Collocation shall have the meaning set forth in Sections and ³91;; 7UDIILF´ LV DOO WUDIILF RULJLQDWHG E\ D 3DUW\¶V (QG 8VHU &XVWRPHU DQG GLDOHG ZLWK D ORFDO dialinJ SDWWHUQ WKDW LV QRW WHUPLQDWHG WR WKH RWKHU 3DUW\¶V (QG 8VHU &XVWRPHU SK\VLFDOO\ ORFDWHG within the same CenturyLink Local Calling Area (as approved by the state Commission) as the originating caller, regardless of the NPA-NXX dialed. VNXX does not include originating 8XX traffic. ³9R,3-3671 7UDIILF´ LQFOXGHV DQ\ WUDIILF SUHYLRXVO\ UHIHUUHG WR LQ WKH $JUHHPHQW DV ³9R,3´ RU ³9R,3 7UDIILF´ RU ³,3 (QDEOHG 9RLFH 7UDIILF´ DQG LV GHILQHG DV WUDIILF ZKLFK LV H[FKDQJHG between a CenturyLink end user and the CLE& HQG XVHU LQ 7LPH 'LYLVLRQ 0XOWLSOH[LQJ ³7'0´ IRUPDW WKDW RULJLQDWHV DQG RU WHUPLQDWHV LQ ,QWHUQHW 3URWRFRO ³,3´ IRUPDW DV GHWHUPLQHG LQ WKH 2UGHU DQG WHUPLQDWHV WR D 3DUW\¶V (QG 8VHU &XVWRPHU "Voluntary Federal Subscriber Financial Assistance Programs" are Telecommunications Services provided to low-income subscribers, pursuant to requirements established by the Commission or the FCC.
Virtual Collocation means the type of interconnection provided by a telecommunications carrier to an interconnector that is economically, technically, and administratively comparable to the manner in which the telecommunications carrier's facilities interconnect with its own network. It may, at the interconnector's discretion, include an arrangement where the interconnector is provided equipment in a location under an arrangement where the interconnector may not have ownership of the equipment and does not have physical access or control, other than through remote monitoring, subject to any applicable tariff. [Eff ] (Auth: HRS ''269-6, 269-34 to 43) (Imp: HRS ''269-1, 269-34 to 43, 47 U.S.C. ''153, 222, 251, 252)