Examples of Sublicensing in a sentence
The report will include an overview of the process and documents relied upon to permit Stanford to understand how the earned royalties and Nonroyalty Sublicensing Consideration are calculated.
For a period of six (6) years after the Contract Quarter to which the records pertain, Licensee agrees that it and its Affiliates and Sublicensees will each keep complete and accurate records of their Sales, Net Sales, Milestone Fees, and Non-Royalty Sublicensing Consideration in sufficient detail to enable such payments to be determined and audited.
For a period of six years after the Contract Quarter to which the records pertain, Licensee agrees that it and its Affiliates and Sublicensees will each keep complete and accurate records of their Sales, Net Product Sales, Net Service Sales, Milestone Fees, and Non-Royalty Sublicensing Consideration in sufficient detail to enable such payments to be determined and audited.
The Up-MACRO Holding Shares on deposit from time to time in the Securities Account, all monies on deposit from time to time in the Distribution Account and the Netting Account and the Up-MACRO Holding Trust's rights under the MACRO Licensing Agreement and the NYMEX Sublicensing Agreement (or any Substitute Reference Price Licensing Agreement), shall collectively constitute the assets of the Up-MACRO Tradeable Trust (the "Trust Assets").
Beginning with the first sale of a Licensed Product by ***** or a sublicensee, or with the first receipt of any Nonroyalty Sublicensing Consideration by *****, ***** will submit to Stanford a written report, an earned royalty payment and/or Nonroyalty Sublicensing Consideration payment due Stanford within 30 days after each calendar period, where the period is initially on a per-year basis, and changes to a per-quarter basis when annual royalty payments to Stanford exceed $200,000.