Examples of Specified Materials in a sentence
The base prices of Specified Materials shall be as of actually prevailing on the date falling on 28 days prior to latest date of submission of Bids and shall be obtained from the respective sources and to be verified and notified by the Engineer after consent of the Employer.2. The base/current price are meant to be ex-factory prices and inclusive of all of taxes and duties that can be levied at source.
The base prices of Specified Materials shall be as of actually prevailing on the date falling on 28 days prior to latest date of submission of Bids and shall be obtained from the respective sources and to be verified and notified by the Engineer after consent of the Employer.
Each Lender hereby agrees that notice to it in accordance with this Section 10.1(b) specifying that any Specified Materials have been posted to the Electronic Platform shall, for purposes of this Credit Agreement, constitute effective delivery to such Lender of such Specified Materials.
In the event that the release of the contents of a Deposit Account results in Popular receiving Deposit Materials that are not Specified Materials (“Excess Deposit Materials”), Popular will deliver such Excess Deposit Materials to Iron Mountain for redeposit into escrow and destroy any copies thereof still in its possession.
Acceptance Owner acceptance of the project from Contractor upon certification by Owner's Representative.As Specified Materials, equipment including the execution specified/shown in the contract documents.Basis of Design Equipment, materials, installation, etc.