Professional nurse means a person who applies the art and science of nurs- ing which reflects comprehension of principles derived from the physical, biological and behavioral sciences. Pro- fessional nursing generally includes making clinical judgments involving the observation, care and counsel of persons requiring nursing care; admin- istering of medicines and treatments prescribed by the physician or dentist; and participation in the activities for the promotion of health and prevention of illness in others. A program of study for professional nurses generally in- cludes theory and practice in clinical areas such as obstetrics, surgery, pedi- atrics, psychiatry, and medicine.
Professional nurse. An individual prepared with a minimum of a baccalaureate in nursing (AANC, 2008). Professional standards/guidelines for practice: Statements of expectations and aspirations providing a foundation for professional nursing behaviors of graduates of baccalaureate, master’s, and professional doctoral programs. Standards are developed by a consensus of professional nursing communities who have a vested interest in the education and practice of Program completion rate: Number of students who graduate within 150% of the stated program length beginning with enrollment in the first nursing course (ACEN, 2013). Program outcomes: Indicators that reflect the extent to which the purposes of the nursing education unit are achieved and by which program effectiveness is documented. Program outcomes are measurable, consumer-orientated indexes designed to evaluate the degree to which the program is achieving its mission and goals (ACEN, 2013). Program satisfaction: Perceptions of the graduates and employers regarding the graduates’ achievement of the learning outcomes/competencies and the adequacy and effectiveness of the program (ACEN, 2013).
Examples of Professional nurse in a sentence
This two year program grants an Associate in Applied Science degree (A.A.S.) with a major in nursing, and prepares graduates for the NCLEX-RN exam, leading to licensure as a Registered Professional nurse.
Professional nurse autonomy: concept analysis and application to nursing education.
Professional nurse" means a licensed professional nurse as defined by K.S.A. 65-1113, and amendments thereto.
Professional nurse" means a licensed professional nurse as defined byK.S.A. 65-1113, and amendments thereto.
It is inherent in the role of the Caring Professional nurse to behave in a professional and ethical manner as outlined in the NSNA Code of Academic and Clinical Conduct.
More Definitions of Professional nurse
Professional nurse means a registered nurse who has received initial nursing preparation from a diploma, associate degree, or collegiate school of nursing and who is currently licensed in a State to practice nursing.
Professional nurse means an individual who is licensed by the New Jersey State Board of Nursing to practice professional nursing, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 45:11-26 et seq.
Professional nurse means a registered nurse, nurse practitioner, psychiatric nurse, V.O.N., or licensed practical nurse who is currently registered with the appropriate provincial or state nursing association where the services are rendered. Reimbursement Level: means the maximum percentage, amount or duration Manitoba Blue Cross will pay per participant for eligible expenses as set out in this agreement.
Professional nurse means a licensed professional nurse as defined by K.S.A. 65- 1113, and amendments thereto.
Professional nurse means one who has met all the legal requirements registration in the State, and who practices or holds a position by virtue of her professional knowledge and legal status, and who holds a certificate the North Dakota
Professional nurse means one who has met the legal requirements for licensure in this and has been registered by the board, who practices or holds a position by virtue of her professional knowledge and legal status, and who holds a certificate of licensure the board for the current year, acquired according to the provisions of this Act;
Professional nurse. An individual prepared with a minimum of a baccalaureate in nursing (AANC, 2008). Professional standards/guidelines for practice: Statements of expectations and aspirations providing a foundation for professional nursing behaviors of graduates of baccalaureate, Program completion rate: Number of students who graduate within 150% of the stated program length beginning with enrollment in the first nursing course (ACEN, 2013). Program outcomes: Indicators that reflect the extent to which the purposes of the nursing education unit are achieved and by which program effectiveness is documented. Program outcomes are measurable, consumer-orientated indexes designed to evaluate the degree to which the program is achieving its mission and goals (ACEN, 2013). Program satisfaction: Perceptions of the graduates and employers regarding the graduates’ achievement of the learning outcomes/competencies and the adequacy and effectiveness of the program (ACEN, 2013).