Examples of Onshore in a sentence
Onshore project substationA compound containing electrical equipment to enable connection to the National Grid.
If H2S is detected in concentrations greater than 100 ppm, the Hydrogen Sulfide area shall meet Onshore Order 6 requirements, which includes equipment and personnel/public protection items.
The lease holder must make every reasonable attempt, and be able to demonstrate its attempts to the satisfaction of the Secretary, to enter into a cooperation agreement with the holder(s) of any overlapping authorisations issued under the Mining Act 1992 and petroleum titles issued under the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991.
Onshore RMB (CNY) is not a freely convertible currency and is subject to foreign exchange control policies and repatriation restrictions imposed by the PRC government.
Additionally, it includes offshore exploration projects: Fuerte Sur, Kronos and Tayrona and Onshore: Caño Sur block, CPO 10 and non-conventional hydrocarbons program.(2) Includes dry wells Coyote 1, Calasú, Iwana 1, La Cacica, among others.(3) Corresponds mainly to transfers to property, plant and equipment.