Examples of NI 41-101 in a sentence
A standard term sheet provided under subsection (1) may contain only the information referred to in subsection (2) and the information referred to in subsection 13.5(3) of NI 41-101.
If the template version of the marketing materials relating to the road show contains comparables, the template version of the marketing materials must contain the disclosure referred to in paragraph 13.7(4)(d) of NI 41-101.
A revised template version of the marketing materials filed under subsection (7) must comply with section 13.8 of NI 41-101.
INSTRUCTION See section 1.1 of NI 41-101 for the definitions of “profit or loss attributable to owners of the parent” and “profit or loss from continuing operations attributable to owners of the parent”.
In particular, the “Linking Economic Development and Child Care Research Pro- ject” at Cornell University has taken a major role in establishing the economic development impact of early child- hood education: http://economicdevelopmentandchildcare.org.