Mobile unit definition

Mobile unit means a vehicle or trailer designed to provide facilities for educational programs and services, including diagnostic testing, guidance and counseling services, and health services. A mobile unit located off nonpublic school premises is a neutral site as defined in section 123B.41, subdivision 13.
Mobile unit means a specialized mobile self-contained van, trailer, or equipment used in providing dentistry services at multiple locations.
Mobile unit means any vehicle on which food is prepared, processed or converted or which is used in selling and dispensing food to the ultimate consumer.

Examples of Mobile unit in a sentence

  • The school has;• Total of 2 classrooms, hall, small practical area, couple of offices, storage.• A post war timber dining hall and kitchen• Mobile unit for the pre-school.

  • The Department may require that a Mobile unit operate in conjunction with a commissary.

  • In order for the cardholder to be able to receive push notifications from the card issuer, the cardholder must allow this via the settings of the Mobile unit.

  • The costs for mobile broadband are as low as $0.1/GB.Figure 1: Mobile unit cost and revenue estimates $0.32 Ericson estimate mobile data traffic of 11.3 Exabytes (an Exabyte is 10^18 bytes or 1 billion Gigabytes) per month for Western, Central and Eastern Europe for 2022.6 Assuming traffic related costs of approximately €0.1 per GB this amounts to €0.1 bn per month or a little over €1 bn per year.This estimate is an order of magnitude lower than the cost estimate reported be Axon of €13- 22 bn.

  • Water/Hwy 281 S.Burnet, Texas 78611512-715-300021 licensed beds4 bed medical surgical ICU 3 Operating rooms1 MRI Mobile unit (2 days a week) 1 64 slice CT Scanner8 bed Emergency Room1 Expedient Outdoor DeCon unit 24 hr.

More Definitions of Mobile unit

Mobile unit means a vehicle, lawfully used on public streets, roads, or highways with more than three wheels in contact with the ground, from which behavioral health services are provided at a nonpermanent location(s).
Mobile unit means an institution’s place of business operated by means of using air, land or water transportation modes in carrying out deposit-taking microfinance services to its clients;
Mobile unit means any self-contained, self-supporting, enclosed mobile unit which is at least 24 feet in length which is licensed as a salon, has a servicing area that is licensed for the practice of certain licensed practices by the Board of Cosmetology and complies with these Regulations.
Mobile unit means a laboratory testing unit, either independent clinical or independent physiological, that moves from testing site to testing site, or has a temporary testing location. The mobile unit shall provide the State Board of Health with an Alabama permanent address and an address of the physical location of the home base. The mobile unit must submit to the Board a monthly schedule of hours of operation and of the locations the mobile unit will be performing the procedures.
Mobile unit means any vehicle on which food is prepared, processed or con- verted or which is used in selling and dis- pensing food to the ultimate consumer.
Mobile unit means a container or means of conveyance from which cut flowers or nursery stock are sold.
Mobile unit means any vehicle operating from an approved servicing area in which food, beverages, frozen desserts or dairy products and mixes are prepared, processed or converted for human consumption and which is used to sell and dispense food and beverages to customers. The term does not include a push cart or any similar operation.