Meter Point has the meaning given to such expression in the Industry Agreements (including both Daily Metered (DM) and Non-Daily Metered (NDM) Meter Points) and identified by a specific Meter Point Reference Number (“MPRN”);
Meter Point means the supply meter point(s) at which Gas may be offtaken from the Network for the purposes of supplying Gas directly to the Supply Address;
Meter Point has the meaning given to such expression in the Industry Agreements (including Half Hourly (HH) and Non-Half Hourly (NHH) Meter Points) and identified by a specific Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) in the Quotation Document;
Examples of Meter Point in a sentence
Appointment Notice may be given and may become effective only in respect of all Metering Equipment provided at the Meter Point and not for any part only thereof.
More Definitions of Meter Point
Meter Point means the point at which the Customer’s infrastructure is connected to the Services supply pipeline at each Meter.
Meter Point means the metering or metering configuration that measures the net electrical output of the Eligible Installation, after deducting all electricity used for the purposes relating to the operation of the Eligible Installation and consumed on the Site by auxiliary and ancillary equipment associated with the Eligible Installation;
Meter Point means a supply meter point within the meaning given in the Uniform Network Code (as defined in section 36C(7) of the Gas Act 1986)(15);
Meter Point. Means the physical point at which the electricity is metered.
Meter Point means the meter point identified by a particular Supply Number;
Meter Point means the point at which electricity consumption is measured;
Meter Point means the point at which electricity or gas is metered prior to supply to the Premises; “Meter Reading” the amount of gas and/or electricity used by The Client(s) according to any Equipment; “Micro-Business Consumer” means a Client that: