Examples of Lots in a sentence
ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Incorporated Village of Mineola, and Town of North Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, more particularly known and designated as follows: Lots Numbered 116 to 121 inclusive in Block 27, on a certain map entitled, Map of Mineola Manor, situated at Mineola, Nassau County, New York, owned by Loma Holding Corporation, New York City, Map November 1925, Xxx X.
If the City of Medford completes any maintenance, or repair of the SF, the owners of Lots (__) through (__) shall each pay an equal pro-rata share of any costs incurred by the City of Medford in connection therewith.
The costs of inspection, maintenance and/or repair shall be borne equally by the owners of Lots (__) through (__).
Further, Developer shall be liable and responsible for the proper maintenance of the storm water easements described on the Attached Exhibit D for these 30 Lots, including any detention or retention basins if applicable.
After the Closing Date, the Developer’s Representatives shall not perform any invasive testing on the Vacant Lots without the prior written consent of the CRA and CITY.