Completeness definition

Completeness means that an application contains information addressing each applicable permit requirement as listed in this part or rules adopted pursuant to this part in sufficient detail for the department to make a decision as to adequacy of the application to meet the requirements of this part.
Completeness means that an application contains information addressing each applicable permit
Completeness means that an annual inventory covers at least all sources, as well as all pollutants, for which methodologies are provided in the latest EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook3 (EMEP/EEA Guidebook), or for which supplementary methodologies have been agreed to by the Executive Body. “Completeness” also means the full geographical coverage of the sources of a Party. Where numerical information on emissions under any source category is not provided, the appropriate notation key, as defined in paragraph 12 below, should be used when filling in the reporting template and the absence of numerical information should be documented;

Examples of Completeness in a sentence

  • All proposals that pass the initial Evaluation Criteria which are determined on a pass/fail basis (Completeness of Response, Financial Stability, and Debarment and Suspension) will be evaluated by a County Selection Committee (CSC).

  • See Section 8.5 of the Application Guide for the Application Completeness Checklist.

  • See Section 8.5 of the SF-424 R&R Application Guide for the Application Completeness Checklist.

  • The City reserves the right to determine which proposal provides the City with the best value and which will be in the City’s best interest.C. Completeness: If the Proposal Document is incomplete or otherwise fails to conform to the requirements of the RFP, the City alone will determine whether the variance is so significant as to render the Proposal non-responsive.

  • Exemption from Accuracy, Relevance, Timeliness, and Completeness Requirements The Privacy Act requires that federal agencies “maintain all records which are used by the agency in making any determination about any individual with such accuracy, relevance, timeliness, and completeness as is reasonably necessary to assure fairness to the individual in the determination.” 5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(5).

More Definitions of Completeness

Completeness means a determination by the department that the minimum submittal requirements as established by this chapter for a plan or report have been met.
Completeness means that the application has
Completeness means that an annual GHG inventory covers at least all sources and sinks, as well as all gases, for which methodologies are provided in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines or for which supplementary methodologies have been agreed by the COP. Completeness also means the full geographical coverage of the sources and sinks of an Annex I Party;2
Completeness means the appropriate documents and reports have been submitted. Accuracy and adequacy of the application is not reviewed as a part of this phase.
Completeness means, in relation to data, the degree of confidence that all data needed to support the intended use is provided;
Completeness means the inclusion in the report of archaeological and historical activities of all applicable sections of the prescribed content, but does not mean that said sections are sufficient in comprehensiveness of data or in quality of information provided.
Completeness. If x was generated as (x, w) for w = S [n], then by definition a = t and consequently t−1 i S ai = 1. Knowledge of the corresponding set of verification keys thus enables the prover to generate a valid LOSSW multi-signature under these keys, using the trivial sk∗ = 0 for vk∗ = i S n+1 vki = 1. By the completeness of the LOSSW-based SRDS (Definition 6.2), the prover can then translate this multi-signature to a valid SRDS. | | { } ∈