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Service Agreement • June 26th, 2018

VOLUNTEER SERVICE AGREEMENT—NATURAL & CULTURAL RESOURCES 1. INDIVIDUAL 2. GROUP 3. NAME OF AGENCY 4. AGREEMENT # 5. NAME OF VOLUNTEER (First, Last) 6. U.S. CITIZEN OR PERMANENT RESIDENT YesNo, list visa type _ 7. NAME OF GROUP 8. NAME OF GROUP CONTACT (First, Last) 9. STREET ADDRESS 10. CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE 11. EMAIL ADDRESS 12. PHONE Home:Mobile: 13. AGE Under 15 15 – 18 26 – 35 36 – 54 19 - 2555 and Older 14. ETHNICITY & RACE (Optional): Please report both ethnicity and race and tell us if you are a veteran or have a disability. Multiracial respondents may select two or more races. This information will inform our understanding of diversity and inclusion among the volunteer force in the natural and cultural resource areas. 14a. Ethnicity (Select one): Hispanic or LatinoNot Hispanic or Latino 14b. Race (Select one or more, regardless of ethnicity): American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Black or African American WhiteNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 14c. Are you a Vete

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs
May 5th, 2020
  • Filed
    May 5th, 2020

Volunteer Services Agreement for Natural Resources Agenciesfor Individuals or Groups Please print when completing this form Site Name/Project Leader Agency Reimbursement (if any) Name of Volunteer or Group Leader – Last, First, Middle Age (If Individual Agreement)Under 18 18-25 26-55 56 and Older Are you a U.S. Citizen? Yes No Visa Type Email Address Home Phone Mobile Phone Street Address City State Zip

Volunteer Service Agreement • February 20th, 2015

VOLUNTEER SERVICE AGREEMENT—NATURAL & CULTURAL RESOURCES 1. ✔ INDIVIDUAL 2. GROUP 3. NAME OF AGENCY Red River National Wildlife Refuge 4. AGREEMENT # 5. NAME OF VOLUNTEER (First, Last) 6. U.S. CITIZEN OR PERMANENT RESIDENT YesNo, list visa type _ 7. NAME OF GROUPN/A 8. NAME OF GROUP CONTACT (First, Last)N/A 9. STREET ADDRESS 10. CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE 11. EMAIL ADDRESS 12. PHONE Home:Mobile: 13. AGEUnder 15 15 - 18 19 - 2526 - 35 36 - 54 55 and Older 14. ETHNICITY & RACE (Optional): Please report both ethnicity and race and tell us if you are a veteran or have a disability. Multiracial respondents may select two or more races. This information will inform our understanding of diversity and inclusion among the volunteer force in the natural and cultural resource areas. 14a. Ethnicity (Select one):Hispanic or LatinoNot Hispanic or Latino 14b. Race (Select one or more, regardless of ethnicity): American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Black or African American White Native Hawaiian or Other

Volunteer Service Agreement—Natural & Cultural Resources Volunteer Sign‐up Form for Groups
Volunteer Service Agreement • March 4th, 2015

All volunteers that participate with an organized group on an episodic volunteer project on a unit of a public lands agency must be signed up on this form. By signing this form you agree to the terms of the project as defined in the attached Volunteer Service Agreement and affirmed by the organization and federal agency represents. Volunteers under age 18 must complete a Volunteer Service Agreement—Natural & Cultural Resources and must be signed by the parent or guardian. Please indicate your willingness (yes) or unwillingness (no) for the Agency to use your photographic, video or audio images in performance of volunteer duties.

Volunteer Service Agreement—Natural & Cultural Resources Volunteer Sign-up Form for Groups
Volunteer Service Agreement • February 8th, 2019

All volunteers that participate with an organized group on an episodic volunteer project on a unit of a public lands agency must be signed up on this form. By signing this form you agree to the terms of the project as defined in the attached Volunteer Service Agreement and affirmed by the organization and federal agency represents. Volunteers under age 18 must complete a Volunteer Service Agreement—Natural & Cultural Resources and must be signed by the parent or guardian. Please indicate your willingness (yes) or unwillingness (no) for the Agency to use your photographic, video or audio images in performance of volunteer duties.

Volunteer Service Agreement • February 12th, 2019

VOLUNTEER SERVICE AGREEMENT—NATURAL & CULTURAL RESOURCES 1. VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT TYPE (choose one) INDIVIDUAL GROUP 2. IF GROUP, SELECT GROUP TYPE (choose from below): 3. NAME OF AGENCY/BUREAU Business/Corporations National ServiceSchool/University/Education Faith BasedFraternal Organizations Youth Groups/ScoutsLocal/State/Tribal Government Other Military/Veterans 4. NAME OF VOLUNTEER GROUP (if applicable) 5. NAME OF INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP LEADER (Last, First, Middle) 6. STREET ADDRESS, APT. # 7. CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE 8. EMAIL ADDRESS 9. PHONEHome: _ Mobile: _ 10. Date of Birth INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP LEADER INFORMATION 11. CITIZENSHIP/RESIDENCY STATUSU.S. Citizen or Legal Alien/Permanent Resident Foreign National, list visa type 12. (Optional) ETHNICITY, RACE, GENDER: Multiracial respondents may select two or more races. This information will inform our understanding of diversity and inclusion among the volunteer force in the natural and cultural resource areas. 12a. Ethnicity (Select one):Hi

December 6th, 2007
  • Filed
    December 6th, 2007

Volunteer Services Agreement for Natural Resources Agenciesfor Individuals or Groups Please print when completing this form Site Name Agency Reimbursement (if any) Name of Volunteer or Group Leader – Last, First, Middle Home Phone Cell Phone Email Address Street Address City State Zip Code

March 23rd, 2011
  • Filed
    March 23rd, 2011

Volunteer Services Agreement for Natural Resources Agenciesfor Individuals or Groups Please print when completing this form Site Name/Project Leader Agency Reimbursement (if any) Name of Volunteer or Group Leader – Last, First, Middle Age (If Individual Agreement)Under 18 18-25 26-55 56 and Older Are you a U.S. Citizen? Yes No Visa Type Email Address Home Phone Mobile Phone Street Address City State Zip

Safe Harbor Agreement • November 1st, 2005
Implementing Agreement • May 5th, 2020

This Implementing Agreement ("Agreement"), made and entered into as of the day of , 1998, by and among El Coronado Ranch and Cattle Company (Josiah and Valer Austin), the USDA Forest Service (Forest Service), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), and the State of Arizona, by and through the Arizona Game and Fish Commission (Commission), and its administrative agency the Arizona Game and Fish Department, (Department) hereinafter collectively called the "Parties", defines the Parties' roles and responsibilities and provides a common understanding of actions that will be undertaken for the conservation of the subject listed and unlisted species and their habitats during activities associated with the operation of the El Coronado Ranch (ECR).

Safe Harbor Agreement • December 9th, 2011
OF 301a Volunteer Service Agreement - Natural & Cultural Resources Instructions
February 4th, 2019
  • Filed
    February 4th, 2019

Individuals, organized groups and children under the age of 18 may volunteer under a current, signed Volunteer Agreement (OF301a). Every agreement must have a job description attached with the volunteer duties clearly specified and described. These forms must be signed by the volunteer or volunteer group leader, and an official government representative, preferably the park volunteer program manager, but a park division volunteer coordinator or volunteer supervisor is acceptable. All volunteers under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian's signature in the appropriate field of OF301a. Any other parental approval forms (school, youth group, etc.) are not acceptable as replacements for the signed OF301a.

Master Agreement • May 21st, 2010 • California
Friends Partnership Agreement • May 5th, 2020

This Friends Partnership Agreement (Agreement) is between the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (Service), an agency of the United States Department of the Interior, and Friends of the Best Habitat National Wildlife Refuge (Friends).

Conservation Agreement And • February 1st, 2006

The creation of this Conservation Agreement and Strategy is the result of a truly cooperative effort by a relatively large group of talented and dedicated individuals representing a diverse group of agencies and interests. As the chairman of the Relict Leopard Frog Conservation Team (RLFCT) that was assembled to develop this document I have many people I wish to thank. But before I thank the individuals, I would also like to acknowledge a number of agencies and organizations that provided support by allowing their employees to participate in this effort.

Stipulated Settlement Agreement • May 5th, 2020

This Stipulated Settlement Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between the Plaintiff Center for Biological Diversity (“Center”) and Defendants Ken Salazar, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Interior; Rowan Gould, in his official capacity as Acting Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (“Service” or “FWS”); and the Service (collectively, “Defendants”), (collectively, the “Parties”), who state as follows:

Candidate Conservation Agreement for the
December 7th, 2008
  • Filed
    December 7th, 2008

This Candidate Conservation Agreement (CCA) for the LPC and the SDL represents a collaborative effort between the FWS, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and the Center of Excellence for Hazardous Materials Management (CEHMM). The CCA builds upon the BLMs “Special Status Species Resource Management Plan Amendment” (RMPA) (completed in April 2008) for southeast New Mexico. The RMPA established the foundational (minimum) requirements that will be applied to all future Federal activities, regardless of whether a permittee or lessee participates in this CCA. The strength of the CCA comes from the implementation of additional conservation measures that are additive, or above and beyond those foundational requirements established in the RMPA.

Implementing Agreement • April 4th, 2013

This IMPLEMENTING AGREEMENT (IA) for the Buckeye Wind Power Project Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), is entered into by and between the UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, an agency of the Department of the Interior of the United States of America (FWS), and Buckeye Wind, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of EverPower Wind Holdings, Inc, (Buckeye or Permittee), hereinafter collectively called the “Parties” and

Implementing Agreement • September 16th, 2013

This agreement (“Agreement”), which implements the NiSource Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan (“MSHCP”) dated December 2012, is entered into among Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC, Columbia Gulf Transmission, LLC, Crossroads Pipeline Company, Central Kentucky Transmission Company, and NiSource Gas Transmission and Storage Company (referred to collectively as “NiSource”) and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (“Service”), an agency of the United States Department of the Interior.

Management Agreement • August 12th, 2008
Conservation Agreement • October 5th, 1998

This Conservation Agreement deals with conservation and protection of the San Xavier talussnail (Sonorella eremita) hereinafter referred to as the "Talussnail", a southern Arizona endemic land snail that has been proposed for Federal listing as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act. At this time, status surveys indicate that the Talussnail occurs in an area of approximately 15 by 30 meters (50 by 100 feet) on lands owned by the El Paso Natural Gas Company, hereinafter referred to as "EPNG", on a single hill in Pima County. The Talussnail is restricted to a deep, northwestward-facing, limestone rock slide on the hill. The hill is on private land and is adjacent to land owned by the Bureau of Land Management. Arizona Electric Power Cooperative, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "AEPCO", has been granted a perpetual easement for a site on the hill-top and has assumed responsibility for maintaining the access road to the hill-top. Potential threats include urban development

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs
December 18th, 2023
  • Filed
    December 18th, 2023
Conservation Easement • July 26th, 2007 • Oregon

THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT (the “Easement”) which is more specifically defined in Section 1 below is made this 20th day of July, 2007, by and between the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Oregon, P.O. Box 549, Siletz, OR 97380 (the “Grantor”) in favor of the United States - acting through the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, P.O. Box 2965, Portland, OR 97208 - and the State of Oregon, Department of Fish and Wildlife, 3406 Cherry Ave. NE, Salem, OR 97303 (the “Grantees”). While not serving as a Grantee, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 911 NE 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97232, will serve as a co-representative of the

Friends Partnership Agreement
Friends Partnership Agreement • August 31st, 2023

The Friends Partnership Agreement is the required instrument that describes how U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) employees and a Friends organization work cooperatively in support of the Service site (or sites) or program’s mission. A completed and signed agreement describes the substantial involvement of both parties in mutually agreed-upon activities and ensures that both parties have a mutual understanding of their respective roles, responsibilities, rights, expectations, and requirements within the partnership.

Nationwide Candidate Conservation Agreement for Monarch Butterfly on Energy and Transportation Lands‌
April 15th, 2019
  • Filed
    April 15th, 2019

This Nationwide Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances for the Monarch Butterfly on Energy and Transportation Lands with an integrated Candidate Conservation Agreement (CCAA/CCA or Agreement) represents a unique collaboration between the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (the “Service”), and more than 30 interested entities from the energy and transportation sectors. These interested companies and organizations represent entities managing lands associated with electric power generation, electric transmission and distribution, oil and gas transmission and distribution, and renewable energy development, as well as a network of individual state departments of transportation, with support from the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA), who were involved in the conceptualization and preparation of this Agreement (Appendix A).

2020 Candidate Conservation Agreement • November 17th, 2020

Figure 1. Covered Area showing the categories and current locations of DSL Habitat suitability derived from Hardy et al. (2018) that establish the areas to which Conservation

Implementing Agreement for the
January 20th, 2010
  • Filed
    January 20th, 2010
Sample Wetland Easement
May 5th, 2020
  • Filed
    May 5th, 2020

hereinafter referred to as parties of the first part, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, hereinafter referred to as United States, acting by and through the Secretary of the Interior or his authorized representative.

Sample Grassland Easement (Region 6)
April 29th, 2010
  • Filed
    April 29th, 2010

hereinafter referred to as Grantors, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, hereinafter referred to as United States, acting by and through the Secretary of the Interior or his authorized representative.

Draft Safe Harbor Agreement Amendment and Application for an Enhancement of Survival Permit for the Rio Salado Project, in Tempe, Arizona
August 30th, 2018
  • Filed
    August 30th, 2018

following methods, and note that your comment is in reference to the Draft SHA Amendment and Application for an Enhancement of Survival Permit for the Rio Salado, Tempe, AZ.

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