Regulations and Standards Sample Clauses

Regulations and Standards. All deliveries must be accompanied by Material Safety Data Sheets. All products delivered must be registered with the EPA for mosquito control and registered for use in Florida. The EPA labels must be compatible with the standard District philosophy, technology or unique District operations.
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Regulations and Standards. The Company recognizes that the use of Biological Materials carries with it certain safety risks to both the environment and the population that are inherent in such materials, and shall exercise prudent scientific laboratory procedures in the use of said Biological Materials.
Regulations and Standards. The customer shall, at the latest when placing the order, refer ABB in writing to the standards and regulations applicable to the provision of the Services, the operation of the Plant and health and safety. The customer shall make ABB aware of any special consideration to be shown to the cus- tomer itself or third parties during the provision of the Services.
Regulations and Standards. All work performed on behalf of Concessionaire shall conform to all applicable regulations, building design standards, building codes and health standards, as well as the following requirements: 1. All construction shall meet the requirement of Type I (fire resistant) construction as set forth in the North Dakota State Building Code (current edition) and the building standards for the Airport. 2. Complete contract drawings and specifications on all work, including alterations, additions or replacements, must be submitted for and receive approval of the Airport Director. Concessionaire will be responsible for delivering to the City at no cost “as built” drawings and an electronic version of same or any reasonable substitute as agreed to in writing by the Airport Director within sixty (60) days of completion of any CSA Improvement. 3. All work must be done by qualified and licensed contractors authorized to do business at the Airport in the time and manner approved by and coordinated with the Airport Director. Concessionaire shall comply with the indemnity and insurance and bond requirements below. Work must be performed such that it may not have a material impact on the operations of the Airport or negatively impact any tenants operating at the Airport as determined in the sole discretion of the Airport Director. 4. An authorized representative of Concessionaire shall be available at all reasonable times at the site to coordinate the work of the CSA Improvements.
Regulations and Standards. The following references may be applicable in whole or in part for this clinical trial.
Regulations and Standards. In general, prior to the ISTEA, Federal laws and regulations and the accompanying policies and procedures applied to all Federal-aid projects on all Federal-aid systems. AASHTO standards were applicable to new construction and reconstruction on all systems, and to resurfacing, restoration and rehabilitation work on the Interstate system. FHWA approved ODOT 3R standards were applicable to non-Interstate 3R work. The ISTEA eliminated all systems except for the NHS. The Interstate System continues to exist as a subsystem of the NHS. As a general rule, Federal-aid funds other than those designated specifically for the Interstate and NHS, can be used on any street or highway, including the NHS, which is open to public travel, except those functionally classified as local streets and rural minor collectors. This group of roadways eligible for Federal funding is referred to as AFederal-aid Highways.@ With the change in systems, the ISTEA also shifted responsibility to the states for many activities on non-NHS projects. Applicable laws, regulations, and standards were changed accordingly. The changes are delineated in Sections 1016(c) and 1016(d) of the Act. ISTEA and TEA-21 both allow federal funding of many non-traditional transportation projects. These types of projects (e.g., bicycle paths, overlooks, information centers, interpretive signing, etc.) often require the application of industry or national standards rather that AASHTO standards. ODOT and FHWA recognize that many of these projects require a non-traditional approach, including flexibility in the determination of the appropriate sampling and testing frequency to be used.
Regulations and Standards. All individuals, groups and organizations renting or using the Premises shall strictly observe the following Rules, Regulations and Standards. Events are to be scheduled consistent with open dates on the calendar.
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Regulations and Standards. SCOPE OF THIS CHAPTER
Regulations and Standards. All work executed by the contractor shall comply with the current edition of the “Regulations” for the Electrical Equipment of Buildings, issued by the Institution of Electrical Engineers, and with the Regulations of ERC (EPRA) and NCA. Where the two sets of regulations appear to conflict, they shall be clarified with the Engineer. All materials used shall comply with relevant Kenya Bureau of Standards Specification.
Regulations and Standards. The supply must conform to the laws and regulations existing in the Kingdom of Thailand, in addition to the particular prescription given in the present Technical Specifications. All materials and equipment to be incorporated in the Works and the fabrication of same except as otherwise provided shall conform to the latest edition of the Standards of the Engineering Societies given in the following list: ANSI American National Standards Institute AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association AISI American Iron and Steel Institute ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers IEEE Institute of Electrical Electronic Engineers ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineer ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association ICEA Insulated Cable Engineer’s Association AWS American Welding Society IEC International Electrotechnical Commission SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council NEC National Electrical Code AISC American Institute of Steel Construction NFPA National Fire Protection Association AWWA American Water Works Association ISA Instrument Society of America ISO International Organization for Standardization AFBMA Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association CMAA Crane Manufacturer’s Association of America DEMA Diesel Engine Manufacturers Association TIS Thai Industrial Standard The latest edition of each standard shall mean the available edition at the date of signature of the Contract. Other equivalent standards will be accepted provided that they are proposed with the Bid and accepted before the award of the Contract. The Contractor shall submit two copies (one to the Department and to the Engineer) of the equivalent accepted standards in English or with English translation, showing the correspondence with the specified Standards. If the Contractor , after the award of the Contract, proposes other equivalent Standards and Specifications and Standards of equivalent material, the Contractor shall state the exact nature of the change, and shall submit complete Standards and Specifications and information and data on the materials for the approval of the Engineer. Such submittals shall be timely and failure to do so, or purchase of any proposed equivalent materials prior to the approval of the Engineer, will be at the Contractor’s risk.
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