Public Art. The Art located in Public Spaces that has been acquired and installed as a part of the Public Improvements that have not be dedicated to the Town.
Public Art. The City is responsible for the selection, cost, maintenance, installation, and removal of, and any liability for, all interior and exterior public art displayed at the Library.
Public Art. Describe how public art has been incorporated into the project design and planning.
Public Art. The Town Council recently voted to support a public art program in the community by passing Public Art Guidelines. The goal is to have a number of public art installation locations throughout the community where public art is commissioned and can be displayed for a set period of time before changing out to something new. Additionally, the program aims to include public art in Town infrastructure projects such as sidewalk improvement projects, bus stops, street projects and facilities such as public restrooms. Art would be incorporated into these projects rather than a stand alone art installation. The program is in its infancy in Xxxxxxx and this funding would provide seed money for installation pads for art as well as for the art itself. Public art is a way to beautify a community and also a way to generate interest in the arts and in the businesses in the community involving art. Xxxxxxx has a very robust art community and the program would complement the businesses as well as local artists in business. The partner for this program would be the Public Art Council.
Public Art. The Project shall implement on-site public art features as set forth in Section 6.10 of the 2022 Specific Plan. The Developer shall submit a comprehensive public art plan for Planning Area 3 (including both the Xxxxxx Country Mart and light industrial uses within PA3((a)) to the Director for his or her review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit for the Project and shall install the public art features prior to issuance of any occupancy permits by the City for the particular parcel which the Developer has requested to receive an occupancy permit.
Public Art a. Public Art/Artist selection and coordination with artists and artwork in the building may be provided as an additional service
Public Art. (a) The Public Art Strategy accompanying this Development Application has not been approved by this consent.
Public Art. The developer will contribute an amount equivalent to no less than 1% of the Capital Investment Value of the Proposed Development (includes the provision of public benefits) towards the installation of a publicly owned artwork to be agreed by the City and at an agreed location on the land comprising the new Xxxxxx Street Plaza. Lend Lease Circular Quay – Community Components – Performance Brief v2
Public Art. Description: Consultant shall provide the following public art services: