Initial Evaluation. The Government will evaluate all proposals received to ensure that each proposal is complete in terms of submission of each required volume, as required by Section L. The Government may eliminate proposals that are missing required information.
Initial Evaluation. Prior to executing a Delegated Services Agreement and upon any amendment to the Delegated Services Agreement or the Vendor Agreement to add services or new products, Health Plan shall determine the capacity of the Vendor’s delivery organization to assume responsibility for the activity(ies) proposed to be delegated and to maintain Health Plan standards. This review may include both a document review and on-site visit. Documents reviewed may include but are not limited to program descriptions, annual work plans, statements of effectiveness, committee minutes and applicable policies and procedures. On-site visits are at the discretion of Health Plan.
Initial Evaluation. When the employee is first hired or before September 30 of each year, the employee's immediate supervisor will meet with the employee to review job responsibilities within the job description.
Initial Evaluation. The initial evaluation period shall be regarded as an integral part of the employment process. It shall be utilized for closely observing the employee’s work and for securing the most effective adjustment of the new employee to his/her position, and for “separating” employees whose performance does not meet the required standards.
Initial Evaluation. The District will establish a system for ensuring that students who need or whom the District has reason to believe need special education or related services because of a disability are identified and timely referred for evaluation consistent with Section 504 and Title II. This system will include: a) a referral form for teachers and other staff and parents to request an evaluation and information about procedural rights; b) documentation of referrals, notice to parents, and timelines for evaluation in the District’s data system; c) a process for reviewing files and academic progress of all students who do not currently have a Section 504 plan or IEP on an annual basis to determine, for at least two years following the execution of this agreement, whether students need to be evaluated consistent with Section 504 and Title II; d) an annual training for all School administrators, instructional staff, counselors, and other site-based service providers regarding their responsibilities for identification and referral; and, e) an information session for parents/guardians regarding how to request an evaluation, the timelines for completing such an evaluation, and the procedural rights and substantive requirements of Section 504 and Title II. With respect to the District’s review of student files and academic progress (as described in 1c. above), the District is considered to satisfy an annual review required above, if it conducts an assessment of a student’s file and academic progress through another process (such as an SST meeting).
Initial Evaluation. 22.1.1 No psychological or medical test will take place unless the City has reasonable suspicion to believe that an employee may be psychologically or medically unfit to perform their job. In such cases, the City may require that the employee be tested by a qualified doctor to determine the employee's fitness for duty. Such examination will be at the City’s expense.
22.1.2 Any medical history of the employee which the examining doctor requests that is not relevant to the fitness for duty issue may not be given to the Employer. Except as provided herein, the Employer may not require the employee to waive the physician-client privilege as a condition of taking the examination.
Initial Evaluation. During the first meeting, information will be collected about your areas of strength and your experience of the problems that bring you to counseling. We will discuss your needs, goals and the direction that we will take in counseling during this first meeting. As I get to know you more fully during the next few sessions, we will develop clearer goals about what you want to accomplish. If it is apparent that you would be best served by another professional instead of Xx. Xxxxx or in addition to him, we will discuss your options which may include ending of services.
Initial Evaluation. At the pre-construction meeting, the parties shall decide upon a scope of work for evaluating the condition of road and structures and drainage infrastructure immediately prior to construction, which evaluation shall be at Project Owner’s expense. The Project Owner shall provide a complete copy of the evaluation (“Initial Evaluation”) to the Local Governments prior to starting construction. Project Owner shall consider whether each segment of road that is to be used is likely to withstand the proposed construction traffic and propose reasonable upgrades if applicable in order to maintain safe driving conditions for the public.
Initial Evaluation. The RWQCB issued a Notice of Violation to the County regarding the surficial movements of the Buena Vista Landfill final cover and requested the County to evaluate the area of distress and provide recommendations for repair. Given the limited time to respond to the RWQCB request, an initial evaluation will be performed. The initial evaluation will include the following activities: Review background information Conduct a site visit and collect bulk soil samples Assess probable causes of slope distress Perform initial laboratory testing Perform preliminary engineering analyses Based on this initial evaluation, recommendations will be made for further field investigation, laboratory testing, and engineering analyses. The initial evaluation will be summarized in a letter report and submitted to the County and Central Coast RWQCB.
Initial Evaluation. The multidisciplinary team assesses each patient thoroughly during the initial clinic visit - history, previous management, reason referred, physical and emotional status including scales such as Edmonton Symptom Assessment Score Sheet, site-specific pain score, Xxxxxxxx’x functional scale, quality of life assessment, and analgesic consumption. In most cases, patients do not wait long for the next step following this evaluation: radiation treatment planning and delivery may occur on the same day, or appointments may be scheduled for diagnostic tests needed to play surgery or percutaneous vertebroplasty. Determines if surgery is advisable for orthopedic stabilization, decompression or reconstruction to restore structural integrity to the skeleton, or to improve mobility and relieve pain.