Bank’s Obligations Nümunə Maddələri

Bank’s Obligations. 2.1.1. To provide the Customer with complex service on cash-settlement services. It includes opening, conduct of Customer’s
Bank’s Obligations. 2.4.1. To ensure the quality and accurate execution of given tasks.
Bank’s Obligations. 2.2.1. To issue a Loan for a Customer in case of compliance of Customer’s documents, submitted for issuance of Loan, with the list of necessary documents and requirements of müəyyən olunan sənədlər təqdim olunduqdan sonra Müştəriyə Kredit vermək;
Bank’s Obligations. 2.2.1. To ensure the insurance of deposit received under this Agreement by the Deposit Insurance Fund (hereinafter referred to as “Fund”); The deposit insured by the Fund shall be reimbursed in the following amount: If the insured event takes place, 100 percent of the deposit amount shall be reimbursed, up to the maximum amount of 30 (thirty) thousand manats (during the validity period of the requirements of the article 3 of the Law “On full insurance of deposits”, regardless of the amount of the deposit, the full amount). Reimbursement shall be made in manats for deposits in the national currency and in corresponding currencies for the deposits made in foreign currencies. If deposits are not made in US dollars or Euros, their reimbursement shall be made in one of these currencies at the cross rates calculated based on official exchange rates of respective currencies that are determined by the Central Bank on the date of the insured event.
Bank’s Obligations. 2.2.1. Xxxxxxxx götürülən depozit qutusu Müştərinin təqsiri üzündən qəsdən və ya onun ehtiyatsız hərəkətləri nəticəsində zədələndikdə onun Müştəri hesabına təmir edilməsini və ya vurulmuş zərərin ödənilməsini tələb etmək;
Bank’s Obligations. 2.2.1. To ensure the insurance of deposit received under this Agreement by the Deposit Insurance Fund (hereinafter referred to as “Fund”); The deposit insured by the Fund shall be reimbursed in the following amount: If the insured event takes place, 100 percent of the deposit amount shall be reimbursed, up to the maximum amount of 100 (one hundred) thousand manats. Reimbursement shall be made in manats for deposits in the national currency and in corresponding currencies for the deposits made in foreign currencies. If deposits are not made in US dollars or Euros, their reimbursement shall be made in one of these currencies at the cross rates calculated based on official exchange rates of respective currencies that are determined by the Central Bank on the date of the insured event.
Bank’s Obligations. 2.1.1. To ensure security of the Deposit box, provided to the Customer, and ensure confidentiality of the rent agreement.

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