Examples of Vehicle model in a sentence
It includes Vehicle Accessories and spare parts that are in or on the Vehicle.Vehicle Accessories: Refers to items which are fitted to your Vehicle in such a way that they cannot be removed without the use of a tool or tools without being damaged, for example the Vehicle’s bumper or spotlights.Standard Vehicle Accessories: These are Vehicle Accessories that are fitted during production of the Vehicle and are included in the manufacturer’s standard specification of the particular Vehicle model.
Delivery Date (date new bus was delivered) Purchase Price Seating Capacity Gross Vehicle Weight Rating Vehicle make Vehicle model Vehicle Year VIN (vehicle identification number) Engine Manufacturer Engine Model Engine Model Year EPA Engine Family Name: Include photograph of new engine plate Engine Horsepower Fuel Type SECTION 2.
This training and support will be repeated, free of charge, each time ADL incorporates a new product from the Supplier into a Vehicle or into a different Vehicle model.
The bidder/Transporter is free to bid for any location/slab/vehicle type.2. The GST will be under RCM (Reverse Charge Mechanism) transaction and will be paid by CMSS.3. The bidder will not quote any GST rate in their quoted price.4. The bidder with the lowest quoted amount in column ”D” shall be L1 for each line item.5. Vehicle model mentioned above are just for clarity.
The Software Upgrade will be available for all eligible Class Vehicles until the later of: (a) 360 days after Hyundai or Kia provides notice of availability for each Class Vehicle model; (b) 360 days after final approval of the Settlement; or (c) actual installation of the Software Upgrade pursuant to appointments with authorized installers of the Software Upgrade made during the respective 360-day periods referenced in either (a) or (b) above.