Uniform Allowance definition

Uniform Allowance means payment to employees for purchasing a specified, required uniform.
Uniform Allowance. The City agrees to the following uniform allowance: a) Community Service Officer and Fire Prevention Inspector (1) $475/year cash allowance (2) Uniform cash allowance shall be paid bi-weekly (3) The City will provide a newly hired Community Service Officer with the following uniform items, which the employee is responsible for maintaining: - two (2) long sleeve shirts, - two (2) pants, - one (1) jacket, and - one (1) pair of boots in lieu of any initial allowance that was paid prior to this MOU. The Police Chief will designate uniform specifications and vendor. (4) The City will provide a newly hired Fire Prevention Inspector with the following uniform items, which the employee is responsible for maintaining:
Uniform Allowance. Any bargaining unit member who wears an approved 41 uniform while at work shall receive a uniform allowance in the amount of three hundred and fifty 42 dollars in each year of the Agreement payable on or before June 15, annually, on a monthly pro- 43 rata basis when companied with a receipt for the purchase of approved uniforms. The three 44 hundred and fifty dollars ($350) is a reimbursement and not a taxable fringe benefit, in 45 accordance with the IRS codes.

Examples of Uniform Allowance in a sentence

  • From the above-mentioned Uniform Allowance, employees will have the opportunity to purchase other qualifying scrubs from the selected vendor.

  • Requires Interim Finance approval since the amount transferred from the Uniform Allowance category exceeds $50,000.00.

  • If an employee in an eligible Bargaining Unit is on leave (paid or unpaid) during Payroll 4, and has sufficient hours in the previous year to qualify for a Uniform Allowance maintenance payment in accordance with the chart below, that payment will be made when the employee returns to active County service.

  • For Classic Members (employees who do not qualify as “New Members” under the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA)), this Clothing Allowance additional compensation shall be reported to CalPERS as Special Compensation, Uniform Allowance, pursuant to and in accordance with CCR section 571(a)(5) (Statutory Items).

  • Effective the first full pay period in July, 2021, the base wage shall increase by an additional 1.5% in lieu of any cash sum payment of Uniform Allowance.

More Definitions of Uniform Allowance

Uniform Allowance. All cooks, custodians, and cleaners shall be provided with three (3) uniforms consisting of pants and a shirt per uniform and one (1) pair of shoes each year. In addition, custodians and cleaners shall receive one (1) jacket, if needed, each year. (If a custodian’s or cleaner’s jacket is damaged during the year beyond repair due to work duties, the District shall work with the employee to replace the jacket if needed.)
Uniform Allowance means those monies paid by the City for the purchase of work uniforms for employees required to wear uniforms in the performance of their assigned duties.
Uniform Allowance. All cooks, custodians, and cleaners shall be provided with three
Uniform Allowance. Employees are required to wear uniforms as a condition of their employment and shall receive a total annual uniform allowance as follows: CLASSIFICATION AMOUNT In order to receive such uniform allowance, employees must have been employed in one of the above stated classifications prior to November 1 of each year. Employees who terminate prior to November 1 shall not be eligible to receive any uniform allowance. Effective upon Board of Supervisors approval of this agreement, newly hired employees will receive the corresponding allowance upon hire. The allowance will be included in the first payroll check received by the employee. However, the employee will not receive the next scheduled uniform allowance if scheduled to occur within the same calendar year as the year in which the employee was hired.
Uniform Allowance. Employees required in the course of their duties to wear specific standard uniforms will be provided uniforms on an as needed basis as deemed essential by the Department Head and approved by the City Manager. uniforms by the City, from the approved uniform list valued at one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) annually, and includes safety boots and protective eyewear. Other items may be selected by the employee and included, with the Department Head’s approval. Uniforms shall be purchased by the City in July of each year. Employees that leave City service shall return their uniforms to the City on their final day of employment. Footwear purchased must comply with standards established by Cal-OSHA. All employees shall come to work in clean uniforms each day, agree to the establishment of a specific uniform standard, and agree to abide by this standard once adopted, on a year-round basis. Items not deemed necessary to personal health and safety will be subject to CALPers and will be reported to CALPers as special compensation for “Classic” or “Tier 1” employees.
Uniform Allowance. Employees shall continue to receive the thirty-dollars ($30) per pay period uniform allowance.
Uniform Allowance. A account will be established for each FlightAttendant in the amount of hundred dollars ($300.00) per year for the purchase of uniform or accessories only (Boutique items included). Any unused portion may be carried over to the next year. Basic items and accessories shall be provided in the quantities All uniform pieces shall have a useful of twenty-four