Examples of Uniform Allowance in a sentence
From the above-mentioned Uniform Allowance, employees will have the opportunity to purchase other qualifying scrubs from the selected vendor.
Requires Interim Finance approval since the amount transferred from the Uniform Allowance category exceeds $50,000.00.
If an employee in an eligible Bargaining Unit is on leave (paid or unpaid) during Payroll 4, and has sufficient hours in the previous year to qualify for a Uniform Allowance maintenance payment in accordance with the chart below, that payment will be made when the employee returns to active County service.
For Classic Members (employees who do not qualify as “New Members” under the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA)), this Clothing Allowance additional compensation shall be reported to CalPERS as Special Compensation, Uniform Allowance, pursuant to and in accordance with CCR section 571(a)(5) (Statutory Items).
Effective the first full pay period in July, 2021, the base wage shall increase by an additional 1.5% in lieu of any cash sum payment of Uniform Allowance.