Examples of Treatment unit in a sentence
Treatment unit means any plant, facility, or equipment used in the treatment of wastewater, including the necessary pumps, power equipment, blowers, motors, holding tanks, flow splitter, and other process equipment.
Conduct a pilot program in the Mid-State Step-Down/Drug Treatment unit using a rolling phone cart to provide access to telephone calls.
Regardless of the size of this condition, all barrier units found to show it must be replaced.Label all damaged units clearly so that future use does not take place by mistake.White Stress MarkNote: These testing techniques are not relevant to the ArmorZone™ End Treatment unit.
Apart from online monitoring, manual Monitoring of ambient air as per NAAQS is being carried out by external MoEF approved laboratory.All quality parameters of the ambient air were conforming to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) during the year.Flue Gas scrubbing unit and Purge Treatment unit is installed and commissioned to control Sulphur Dioxide and Suspended particulate matter wherein more than 90% of these pollutants are reduced before letting the flue gas into the atmosphere.
Subdivision/ Payment Unit Boundary Paint Color Boundary Designation All Units ORANGE Treatment unit boundaries have been designated with solid BLUE flagging, ORANGE flashers and ORANGE paint above and below xxxxx height.