To commercialize means to sell a Product or Products for monetary consideration on the open market, and “commercialization” has a corresponding meaning. Commercialization shall not include any form of transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture under Development.
To commercialize and “Commercializing” means to engage in Commercialization and “Commercialized” has a corresponding meaning.
Examples of To commercialize in a sentence
To commercialize our future products on the clinical IVD market requires government approval (CE Marking in Europe and/or FDA approval in the U.S.).
To commercialize these licenses and satisfy the associated FCC build-out requirements, DISH Network will be required to make significant additional investments or partner with others.
Almost all candidates did adequate pressing.Very few candidates did not press more than once.
To commercialize our products outside of the U.S., we may need applicable foreign regulatory approval.
To commercialize its innovation, an average firm spends 218 million RMB each year to advertise its products.
More Definitions of To commercialize
To commercialize means to exchange Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture for monetary consideration on the open market, and “commercialization” has a corresponding meaning. Commercialization shall not include any form of transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture under Development, nor shall it include the sale of commodities and other products used for food, feed and processing.
To commercialize means to exchange PGRFA for monetary consideration on the open market, and “commercialization” has a corresponding meaning. Commercialization shall not include any form of transfer of PGRFAuD, nor shall it include commodities and other products used for food, feed and processing.
To commercialize means to sell a Product or Products for monetary consideration on the open market, and “commercialization” has a corresponding meaning. Commercialization shall not include any form of transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture under Development. ARTICLE 3 — SUBJECT MATTER OF THE MATERIAL TRANSFER AGREEMENT The Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture specified in Annex 1 to this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Material”) and the available related information referred to in Article 5b and in Annex 1 are hereby transferred from the Provider to the Recipient subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. ARTICLE 4 — GENERAL PROVISIONS 4.1 This Agreement is entered into within the framework of the Multilateral System and shall be implemented and interpreted in accordance with the objectives and provisions of the Treaty. 4.2 The parties recognize that they are subject to the applicable legal measures and procedures, that have been adopted by the Contracting Parties to the Treaty, in conformity with the Treaty, in particular those taken in conformity with Articles 4, 12.2 and 12.5 of the Treaty.5 4.3 The parties to this Agreement agree that (the entity designated by the Governing Body)the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,6 acting on behalf of the Governing Body of the Treaty and its Multilateral System, is the third party beneficiary under this Agreement. 4.4 The third party beneficiary has the right to request the appropriate information as required in Articles 5e, 6.5c, 8.3 and Annex 2, paragraph 3, to this Agreement. 4.5 The rights granted to the (the entity designated by the Governing Body)Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations above do not prevent the Provider and the 4 As evidenced, for example, by pedigree or notation of gene insertion.5 In the case of the International Agricultural Research Centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and other international institutions, the Agreement between the Governing Body and the CGIAR Centres and other relevant institutions will be applicable.6 Note by the Secretariat: by Resolution 2/2006, the Governing Body “invite[d] the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, as the Third Party Beneficiary, to carry out the roles and responsibilities as identified and prescribed in the Standard Material Transfer Agreement, under the direction of the Governing Body, in accordance wit...
To commercialize means to exchange PGRFA for monetary consideration on the open market, and “commercialization” has a corresponding meaning. Commercialization shall not include any form of transfer of PGRFAuD, nor shall it include commodities and other products used for food, feed and processing.
To commercialize means to sell a Product or Products for monetary consideration on the open market, and “commercialization” has a corresponding meaning. Commercialization shall not include any form of transfer of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture under Development. ARTICLE 3 — SUBJECT MATTER OF THE MATERIAL TRANSFER AGREEMENT The Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture specified in Annex 1 to this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Material”) and the available related information referred to in Article 5b and in Annex 1 are hereby transferred from the Provider to the Recipient subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. ARTICLE 4 — GENERAL PROVISIONS 4.1 This Agreement is entered into within the framework of the Multilateral System and shall be implemented and interpreted in accordance with the objectives and provisions of the Treaty. 4.2 The parties recognize that they are subject to the applicable legal measures and procedures, that have been adopted by the Contracting Parties to the Treaty, in conformity with the Treaty, in particular those taken in conformity with Articles 4, 12.2 and 12.5 of the Treaty.5 4.3 The parties to this Agreement agree that (the entity designated by the Governing Body)the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,6 acting on behalf of the Governing Body of the Treaty and its Multilateral System, is the third party beneficiary under this Agreement. 4.4 The third party beneficiary has the right to request the appropriate information as required in Articles 5e, 6.5c, 8.3 and Annex 2, paragraph 3, to this Agreement. 4.5 The rights granted to the (the entity designated by the Governing Body)Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations above do not prevent the Provider and the 4 As evidenced, for example, by pedigree or notation of gene insertion.5 In the case of the International Agricultural Research Centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and other international institutions, the Agreement between the Governing Body and the CGIAR Centres and other relevant institutions will be applicable.6 Note by the Secretariat: by Resolution 2/2006, the Governing Body “invite[d] the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, as the Third Party Beneficiary, to carry out the roles and responsibilities as identified and prescribed in the Standard Material Transfer Agreement, under the direction of the Governing Body, in accordance wit...