Special Requests means any personal wishes as to how you would like the Planholder’s funeral performed, which have been notified to us in your Application, Additional Special Requests Form, by email, in writing or over the telephone;
Special Requests means any personal wishes as to how you would like your funeral performed which have been notified to us on your Additional Special Requests Form, by email, in writing or over the telephone;
Special Requests may be assigned outside the rotational order, but Occasional Teachers assigned to such shall be skipped in the next rotation. Special Requests may be assignments in CASA classes, BEST classes and Learning Centres or in other exceptional circumstances. The President of the Bargaining Unit Shall receive a list of the Occasional Teachers who are on the “Special Request” list.
Examples of Special Requests in a sentence
Unless specified otherwise in the Special Requests section, if Joint Owners are named, upon the death of either Joint Owner, the surviving Joint Owner will be the primary beneficiary, and the beneficiaries listed below will be considered contingent beneficiaries.
Special Requests: Requests for disabled/reduced mobility rooms must be made via our Club Med Sales Office at time of booking.
For multiple owners, details are to be listed in Special Requests, section H.
Use Special Requests section to provide additional beneficiary information.
Where AGPC accepts such a request, it may charge a fee for the additional items or benefits (Special Requests Fee).
More Definitions of Special Requests
Special Requests means any personal wishes as to how you would like your funeral performed as set out in the Application Form.
Special Requests. Is electricity needed: YES NO Will anyone be selling food or alcohol? YES NO
Special Requests means any personal wishes as to how you would like your Funeral performed which have been notified to us in accordance with 8 below, and which we have agreed in our discretion should form part of your Funeral Plan Schedule, on condition of payment of an Additional Contribution in the amount also stated in your Funeral Plan Schedule;
Special Requests has the meaning specified in Exhibit B.
Special Requests please check which items you are interested in receiving a price quote for from the Venue’s vendor.
Special Requests means any request whereby the information requested includes either a compilation of data or records which are not routinely compiled or kept at the same level of detail or format as requested by the Department in the normal course of business. Rather, requested information is contained in the data or records which are electronically mined pursuant to the special request and require additional preparation and expense. “Routine Request” means any request for public records in final form created for the express purpose of public distribution routinely provided at no cost and intended for mass distribution, including, but not necessarily limited to, Commission Regulations, Commission Policies, seasonal hunting, fishing and other informational brochures, and information that the Department has presented in a public forum.