Righteousness definition

Righteousness simply means “being right with” in your relationships. With God first and with others next. Righteousness with God means ‘peace with God,’ which is the outcome of what Christ has done on the cross for us. Before we came to faith in Christ, due to our sins, we had no communication with God. Our sins blocked our access to God, and we were the outsiders of salvation. The Bible says that sin made us ‘the enemies of God’ (Romans 5:10). However, when Christ paid the wages of our sins on the cross through His own death, we were reconciled with God. When we accepted that truth into our hearts through our repentance, then the peace between God and us was restored. We have redemption and forgiveness of our sins through the blood of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:7-8). God reckons our faith in Jesus as ‘righteousness’ (Romans 4:9).
Righteousness in the ccriptural view, means keeping God’s commandments (Luke 1:6); is revealed in the gospel (Romans 1:17); and may be obtained in only one way, namely, by obedience to God’s commandments, all of which ‘are’ righteousness (Psalms 119:172).”8 Fowler notes that the verbs in this verse are “present participles” which “probably express a continuing, constantly-felt longing.”9
Righteousness in the Bible means covenant faithfulness. A person is righteous when he

Examples of Righteousness in a sentence

  • Righteousness is a characteristic of God, freely given to sinful mankind through Christ.

  • Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

  • Notices may be given by the Association to any person entitled under this Constitution to receive any notice by sending the notice by pre-paid post or facsimile transmission or where available, by electronic mail, to the Member’s Registered address or facsimile number or electronic mail address, or in the case of a Delegate, to the last notified address, facsimile number, or electronic mail address.

  • II Timothy 4:8 Righteousness is a characteristic of God, freely given to sinful mankind through Christ.

  • Righteousness is not to be acquired by man through his own exertions and merits; it is complete and perfect in Christ, and all the sinner has to do is to accept it from Him as a free gift.

More Definitions of Righteousness

Righteousness is a legal term. It means to have right standing before God. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words defines righteousness as “that gracious gift of God to men whereby all
Righteousness in the Old Testament. It means to be “straight” in a moral sense, “loyal without deviation.” It is the positive aspect of God’s holiness.
Righteousness in the New Testament epistles of Xxxx. It is to be expected that Xxxx adheres to the Old Testament categories of this term. Here it is obvious that the apostle is focusing attention upon God’s “saving righteousness.” But specifically what meaning does he have in mind here?
Righteousness equals or only means “covenantal faithfulness” is to commit an incident of “totally transfer”, that is, to affirm that the meaning arising from one or more passages must be the same in all references.49 In his study of Old Testament “righteousness”, Westerholm reached the conclusion that, in the Hebrew Bible, the foundation for Paul’s doctrine of justification and vocabulary in the epistles, “righteousness is what one ought to do (however that is defined), and the one who does it is ‘righteous.’” 50 Noah was declared “righteous” before any covenant is mentioned in Scripture (Gen. 6:9) and before others in his generation failed to meet the expectation of “righteousness” and were judged (though part of no covenant). Job was blameless and upright in God’s eyes even though the cove- nant is not mentioned and even though he most-likely lived before Moses. Moreover, Abel and Lot were considered “righteous” (Heb. 11:4; 2 Pet. 2:7-8) before the covenant. Accord- ing to Westerholm, the concept of “righteousness” is connected to what is deemed morally appropriate. This transcends the reality of the covenant since it reflects the morally appro- priate behavior rooted in the character of God and in the principle of creation before the formulation of the covenant.51
Righteousness means “to be right”! No one knows what is “right”! God alone knows, and has revealed what is “right” in the Bible! God’s revealed word to us is grace! Keeping God’s word means we are within the parameters of his grace where the “right” is! Since no human being (except one) has ever kept the law (word) of God completely and perfectly, no one is “righteous” (see Rom. 3:1-20). THERE IS ONE, JESUS CHRIST, WHO HAS KEPT THE LAW OF GOD PERFECTLY. He is willing to
Righteousness here means the possession of resources that aid in salvation, or the capacity to add to one’s justification before God. One possesses righteousness to the degree that one holds these resources or exercises this capacity as a weapon in one’s struggle against sin. To possess intrinsic helps to one’s salvation or justification is to have righteousness, and to lack these helps is to lack righteousness. Righteousness as “the possession of resources that aid in salvation” can be distinguished from its definition as “the capacity to add to one’s justification before God,” though I do not intend to divide the two too sharply. Nature’s righteousness as a resource is the law that gives it form, or what some theologians have traditionally called natural law. This law is intrinsic to human nature as a direction for the particular way in which that nature ought to exist as God’s creature. It lies more or less dormant within the design of human nature as opposed to being a power for action.97 One can thus think of the law as a resource for salvation distinguished from unbounded about it. He goes on to say that what those closed systems “allow in the way of order and reserve has meaning only from the moment when the ordered and reserved forces liberate and lose themselves for ends that cannot be subordinated to anything that one can account for.” I believe that Bataille’s expenditory moment of liberation resonates closely with justification by faith alone’s moment of grace as liberation from the law. In each case, the experience of what is divine or sacred entails an exuberant and uncontrolled release from boundaries. “The Notion of Expenditure,” in Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota 1985), 128.
Righteousness means that God in His mercy justifies man by faith. "At this point," LUTHER continues, "I felt completely reborn and as if I had entered paradise with its open gate. Forthwith the aspect of the whole of Scripture seems to have changed." In analogy with this perception he interpreted other words in Holy Scripture "such as the work of God, that means the work that God works in us, the virtue (virtus) of God, that means the virtue through which He makes us powerful, the wisdom of God, that means the wisdom through which He makes us wise, the courage of God, the salvation of God, the glory of God. My love for that sweetest word 'righteousness of God' was henceforth as great as my hatred for it had been hitherto. Thus this passage of Paul was truly the gate of Paradise."