Power Exchange means any exchange operating as the power exchange for electricity in terms of the orders issued by the Central Commission;
Power Exchange means that power exchange which operates with the approval of the Commission;
Power Exchange means an organised market for trade in electricity to be supplied on the same or next day or within the hour;
Examples of Power Exchange in a sentence
Korea Power Exchange (KPX) has the authority to control transmission from a trilateral PPA with the aim of limiting overall power output and ensuring the stability of the overall grid.
More Definitions of Power Exchange
Power Exchange means the power exchange established with the prior approval of the Commission;
Power Exchange means the power exchange which has been granted registration in accordance with CERC (Power Market Regulations), 2010 as amended from time to time;
Power Exchange means the exchange registered under these regulations;
Power Exchange means any exchange operating as power exchange for electricity in terms of the regulations issued by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission.
Power Exchange means an electronic platform registered as a Power Exchange under these regulations;
Power Exchange means any licensed entity operating as an exchange for transaction of electricity in terms of the orders issued by the Central Commission;
Power Exchange means an electronic platform for the purpose of facilitating transactions in delivery based electricity contracts or transactions in any other contracts as permitted by the Commission;