NPI definition

NPI means National Provider Identifier and refers to the standard unique health identifier 31 that was adopted by the Secretary of HHS under HIPAA for health care providers. All HIPAA covered 32 healthcare providers, individuals and organizations must obtain an NPI for use to identify themselves in 33 HIPAA standard transactions. The NPI is assigned for life.

Examples of NPI in a sentence

  • Adviser agrees to use and redisclose such NPI for the limited purposes of processing and servicing transactions; for specific law enforcement and miscellaneous purposes; and to service providers or in connection with joint marketing arrangements directed by the Fund, in each instance in furtherance of fulfilling Adviser’s obligations under this Agreement and consistent with the exceptions provided in 17 CFR Sections 248.14, 248.15 and 248.13, respectively.

  • Page 7: • Trading Partner Name – agency name • Provider Number – agency billing NPI number or Tax ID • Vendor data – list clearinghouse data if utilizing a clearinghouse to submit claims.

  • National Provider Identifier (NPI) No.: Enter the pharmacy's National Provider Identifier number 1b.

  • Employer also is authorized to submit updates, as needed, to Physician’s National Provider Identifier (i.e., NPI).

  • If, in connection with the Purchase Order, Provider receives, stores or accesses any NPI, PHI, Personal Data Payment Card Data, or other information or materials that are subject to the Privacy Regulations and Guidelines, Provider will comply with the applicable requirements of the Privacy Regulations and Guidelines.

More Definitions of NPI

NPI means National Provider Identification. An NPI is a unique identification number assigned to a provider by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
NPI means the net profits interest granted under the NPI Agreement;
NPI has the meaning set forth in Section 3.21(b).
NPI means net profit interest, a form of royalty based on the profit realized after deducting costs related to production.
NPI means the net profits interest granted to the Trust by the Partnership under the NPI Agreement;
NPI means the rights granted to the Trust under the NPI Agreements to receive payments on petroleum and natural gas rights held by the Corporation or Harvest Sask Trust from time to time as more particularly described in the NPI Agreements;