Examples of Mean low water in a sentence
Lower low tide awash Charted depth MLLW = Mean lower low water Rock Drying height MLW = Mean low water Geodetic sea level datum Mean water level MHW = Mean high water Higher high water MHHW = Mean higher high water Driftwood line Storm surge water level Everyone who has visited the seashore knows that seawater moves up and down with tides.
Mean low water intersects the existing bulkhead, so the project did not involve any tidal wetlands.
Mean low water level increases in all scenarios 1 cm in comparison to the reference scenario.
MHWST = Mean high water of spring �des; MHWNT = mean high water of neap �des; MLWNT = Mean low water of neap �des; MLWST = mean low water of spring �des.Study area 1 (North Antrim) comprises Ballycastle Bay opening to the north, and Church Bay on Rathlin Island opening to the south west.
Mean low water is the average height of all low water over a long period of time and mean high water is the average height of all high water.