Examples of Instructional assistant in a sentence
Options for resolving class load concerns may include, but are not limited to, the following: Instructional assistant time, additional supplies and materials, additional certificated instructional staff time, reconfiguration of staff and students, and additional compensation.
As an Instructional assistant and basketball coach in Hood River Public Schools.
To this end a pilot program will be established for the period September, 2001, through August, 2004, whereby employees covered by this Agreement who have completed one (1) year of full-time employment as an Instructional assistant with the Worcester Public Schools will be eligible for participation.
Assistant - small group support of teacher lessons) Gina Gonzalez (Instructional assistant for access to core content)GMSRoberta Robinson (Teacher – Language Acquisition) ESOL Rudy Silva (Instructional assistant for access to core content)GHSLois Thurton (Teacher – Language Acquisition) ESOL Estella Moreno (Inst.
Salary and BenefitsTeacher $15,500 per class (includes benefits) Instructional assistant Actual salary and benefits listed on the budget worksheetSubstitutes Teacher – 5 days eachInstructional Assistant - 4 days eachSubstitutesSubstitute days paid by Region 10 are for the purposes of training and home visits or parent conferences.