Examples of Infection in a sentence
Infection Control - Every staff member has the responsibility to minimise incidents of infection/ cross infection of residents, staff, visitors and the general public.
I will comply with Infection Prevention and Control directions given by the HSE, my Trainer and other Clinical staff at all times when I am in clinical areas and any other measures the HSE or my Trainer has in place to prevent the emergence of COVID-19 while I am on placement.
The Infection Prevention and Universal Precaution Policy in the Management Chapter, and the Hematological Assessment Policy in the Certification Chapter of the Indiana WIC Program Policy and Procedure Manual outlines specific procedures for infection control, universal precautions, and disposal of supplies.
Contractor shall also comply with MPS Administrative Policy 6.09 on Human Immunodeficiency (HIV) Infection and MPS Administrative Policy 6.32 on Pepper Spray.
Works collaboratively with Occupational Health, Quality and Risk and Infection Control to maintain organisational standards.