Community solar project definition

Community solar project means a solar energy system that
Community solar project means a solar energy system that has a direct current nameplate generating capacity that is no larger than one thousand kilowatts.
Community solar project means one or more solar photovoltaic energy systems that provide owners and subscribers the opportunity to share the costs and benefits associated with the generation of electricity by the solar photovoltaic energy systems.

Examples of Community solar project in a sentence

  • The lower annual costs and added flexibility enable the borrowers to undertake deeper and more extensive energy efficiency retrofits than would have been possible in the absence of NYGB’s participation.• Community solar project developers participating in conferences in 2017 and 2018 reported that it was becoming easier to find banks and equity investor interested in providing financial support for their projects.14Evidence of NYGB Influence.

  • Notifies an SCI CSO if it becomes aware of a contractor storing collateral classified information not specific to the GCA programs within the SCI CSO accredited space without prior written approval from the approving SCI CSO and the supported GCAs.

  • UtilityUtility Load (MW)% of LoadSize of Pilot (MWac)Atlantic City Electric2,34612%52Jersey Central Power & Light6,44032%144Public Service Enterprise Group10,87854%243Rockland Electric4862%11 Community solar project development can proceed most efficiently when developers can be reasonably certain of their project economics upon meeting certain development milestones.

  • Whereas net exporting firms should benefit from better terms of trade and thus seek to increase be able to increase their in- vestments,, the collapse of the banking sector may limit their access to needed credit.

  • Carrying out specified medical care procedures following direct specific training by a qualified practitioner.

More Definitions of Community solar project

Community solar project means a solar facility shared by multiple community subscribers who
Community solar project means a solar energy system that has a direct current nameplate generating capacity that is no larger than one thousand kilowatts and meets the applicable eligibility requirements established in RCW 82.16.165 and 82.16.170.
Community solar project means any one of the three definitions contained in Section 458-20-273, Part I, Sub-Section 103 of the Washington Administrative Code: "(a) A solar energy system located in Washington State that is capable of generating up to seventy five kilowatts of electricity and is owned by local individuals, households, nonprofit organizations, or nonutility businesses that is placed on the property owned in fee simple by a cooperating local governmental entity that is not in the light and power business or in the gas distribution business; (b) A utility owned solar energy system located in Washington State that is capable of generating up to seventy five kilowatts of electricity and that is voluntarily funded by the utility's ratepayers where, in exchange for their financial support, the utility gives contributors a payment or credit on their utility bill for their share of the value of the electricity generated by the solar energy system; (c) A solar energy system located in Washington State, placed on the property owned in fee simple by a cooperating local governmental entity that is not in the light and power business or in the gas distribution business, that is capable of generating up to seventy five kilowatts of electricity, and that is owned by a company whose members are each eligible for a cost recovery incentive payment for the same customer generated electricity as defined in (105) of this part".
Community solar project means any one of the three definitions, below:
Community solar project means a solar energy system within the state of Washington that has a direct current nameplate generating capacity (i.e., maximum rated output) that is no larger than one thou- sand kilowatts.
Community solar project means a facility: (1) for the production of electrical energy that has a Nameplate Capacity of 3 MW or less to a Public Utility’s distribution system; (2) that meets the definition in Oregon Laws 2016, chapter 28, section 22(10)(1)(a); and (3) that meets the certification and eligibility requirements of OPUC Rule OAR 860, Division 088. A Community Solar Project does not include interconnection equipment, Interconnection Facilities, or System Upgrades.
Community solar project means the solar electric generation component of a community sustainable