Examples of Below Average in a sentence
The definition (Above Average), (Average), (Below Average) relate to the inspector’s opinion of the overall condition of the building: ABOVE AVERAGE: The overall condition is above that consistent with dwellings of approximately the same age and construction.
SC Performance Goal▪ Below Average − District is in jeopardy of not meeting the standards for progress toward the 2010 SC Performance Goal▪ At-Risk − District performance fails to meet the standards for progress towardthe 2010 SC Performance Goal SOUTH CAROLINA PERFORMANCE GOAL By 2010, South Carolina’s student achievement will be ranked in the top half of the states nationally.
Final exams A=90%-100% B=80%-89%C=70%-79% (Average) D=50%-69% (Below Average) F=less than 50% (Failure)Grade D and F are considered failFinal course grade is based on theory/lab skills total points.
Yes / No Overall rating of Respondent’s performance on the above-mentioned project (Check one): Excellent Average Below Average Poor PERSON COMPLETING REFERENCE SIGNATURE DATE ATTACHMENT F-1 PRICE SHEET Respondent Name: IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIABLE FOR AWARD RESPONDENTS MUST PROVIDE PRICES FOR ALL HOURLY POSITIONS LISTED BELOW.
The evaluation for Factor 4, Commercial Potential and Feasibility, will be in the form of an adjectival rating (Excellent, Very Good, Average, Below Average, Poor).