Adult entertainment definition

Adult entertainment means any exhibition of any adult-oriented: motion pictures, live performance, computer or CD Rom generated images, displays of adult-oriented images or performances derived or taken from the internet, displays or dance of any type, which has a substantial portion of such performance any actual or simulated performance of specified sexual activities or exhibition and viewing of specified anatomical areas, removal or partial removal of articles of clothing or appearing unclothed, pantomime, modeling, or any other personal service offered customers.
Adult entertainment means any exhibition, performance, or dance of any type conducted in a premises where such exhibition, performance, or dance involves an entertainer who:
Adult entertainment means the sale, rental, or exhibition, for any form of consideration, of books, films, video cassettes, magazines, periodicals, or live performances that are characterized by an emphasis on the exposure or display of specified anatomical areas or specified sexual activity.

Examples of Adult entertainment in a sentence

  • Business and Service Uses**** Adult entertainment uses are not permitted within 1,000 feet of any residence, school, church, publicJanuary 2015February 2005Recreation area or other public uses.

  • For example, the Rooster Card cannot be used at merchants that are listed under the following categories: Pubs, bars, nightclubs, and some restaurants Wine and beer wholesalers Cigar and tobacco shops Escort services and massage parlours Automated fuel dispensers Racetracks Adult entertainment venues, websites, or TV channels Online gaming and casinos However, if a corner shop selling alcohol chooses to list itself as a general retailer, the transaction including alcohol will not be blocked.

  • Adult entertainment establishment means an establishment having as a substantial or significant portion of its business the offering of entertainment, stocks in trade of materials, scenes or other presentations characterized by emphasis on depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas as defined in this section.

  • Adult entertainment uses shall be allowed only in the light industrial zoning districts, where such uses shall be allowed only upon the grant of a Special Permit by the Planning Board in accordance with Article XI and following Site Plan Approval by the Zoning Board of Appeals in accordance with Article XII.

  • Adult entertainment is considered a sin by most of the main religious groups in the World (Christianity, Islam and Judaism).

More Definitions of Adult entertainment

Adult entertainment means any building used as “retail” in which books and/or items for a mature audience are displayed and sold, or a building that shows mature films or live entertainment;
Adult entertainment means any exhibition of any videotape, film or motion picture of any type, which has as its dominant theme, or is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on, any actual or simulated specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
Adult entertainment means an establishment which provides live entertainment for its patrons, which includes the display of nudity.
Adult entertainment means any enterprise whose primary emphasis is any activity defined
Adult entertainment means any exhibition of any adult-oriented motion picture, live performance, display or dance of any type, which has a significant or substantial portion of such exhibition any actual or simulated performance of "specified sexual activities" or the viewing of "specified anatomical areas."
Adult entertainment means any exhibition of any adult-oriented motion picture, live performance, display or dance of any type, which has a principal portion of such performance, any actual or simulated performance of specified sexual activities of exhibition and viewing of specified anatomical areas, removal of articles of clothing or appearing unclothed, pantomime, modeling, or other personal service offered customers, as defined within Tennessee Code Annotated, §§ 7-51-1102 and 7-51-1401.
Adult entertainment means any exhibition of any adult-oriented motion picture, live performance, display or dance of any type, that has as a principal or predominant theme, emphasis, or portion of such performance, any actual or simulated performance of specified sexual activities or exhibition and viewing of specified anatomical areas, removal of articles of clothing or appearing unclothed, pantomime, modeling, or any other personal service offered customers;