Examples of Active list in a sentence
If a smelter or refiner that has been identified as Active is deemed by the CFSI to not be progressing toward an audit, gap closure, or re-audit for more than 90 days, that smelter or refiner will be removed from the Active list.
Another seven smelters are on the CFSI Active list as of May 27, 2015 and have committed to undergo a CFSI audit to be designated conflict free.
Smelters and refiners on the Active list have committed to undergo a CFSP audit or are participating in one of the cross-recognized certification programs and have submitted a signed Agreement for the Exchange of Confidential Information and Auditee Agreement contracts.
There are 19 more smelters or refiners that are deemed “RMAP Active” - Smelters and refiners on the Active list have committed to undergo a RMAP audit.
If a household on the Inactive list contacts the homeless service system including outreach workers, drop-in centers, shelters, meal lines, etc., they are moved from the Inactive list to the Active list and can be referred to housing services and resources once they have re- engaged with the system which may include re-assessment of their vulnerability and sustainability if appropriate.