Travel Booking definition

Travel Booking means the booking of a Decolar Travel Product.
Travel Booking means the booking of a Travel Product.

Examples of Travel Booking in a sentence

  • Although we may have no obligation to do so, if we credit a Master Account or Account in relation to a claim against a third party such as a Merchant, Travel Booking Provider or Travel Service Provider, You shall automatically be deemed to have assigned and transferred to us any related rights and claims (excluding tort claims) that You have, had or may have against any third party for an amount equal to the amount we credited to the Account.

  • Your rights to amend or cancel your Travel Booking and the cost of doing so will be governed by the Provider's terms and conditions.

  • We may require transactions on any Card or Account to be approved by us before they are accepted by a Merchant, Travel Booking Provider or Travel Service Provider.

  • If you are buying a travel arrangement which includes an accommodation booking and a ferry booking in one transaction with us, please refer to our Package Travel Booking Conditions, available in Part B of these Booking Conditions or on our website.

  • You must resolve disputes relating to goods and/or services charged to an Account directly with the Merchant or, in relation to the Business Travel Account/ Travel Manager Lodge Account, with the Travel Booking Provider or Travel Service Provider.

  • Business Travel Accounts may only be used by Authorised Approvers to pay for Travel Arrangements made with the Travel Booking Provider for Travel Users.

  • In order to avoid potential disruption of Recurring Charges and the provision of goods or services by the Merchant or Travel Booking Provider (for the Business Travel Account/Travel Manager Lodge Account Programme) in the case of a Replacement Card or Card being cancelled, You or the Account User may wish to contact the Merchant and provide Replacement Card information or make alternate payment arrangements.

  • Business Travel Accounts/Travel Manager Lodge Accounts may only be used by Authorised Approvers to pay for Travel Arrangements made with the Travel Booking Provider for Travel Users.

  • The first of these we leave unattached, while safe transactions is attached to the Pay Booking scenario, and the ability to hold (unpaid) reservations is attached to the Travel Booking scenario.The resulting analysis overview diagram is shown in figure 2.

  • It shows that the high-level goal Travel Booking is a joint goal, as are its three child goals (Find Flights, Find Hotels and Make Booking).

Related to Travel Booking

  • Travel Time is the time an Interpreter uses to commute to and from an Appointment. Travel time, if more than one (1) hour each way, is added to the total time of the initial Appointment request. See “Payment for Services, Travel Reimbursement” in Exhibit C – Bid Price for additional information. INCLUDED SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER SERVICES WITH REFERRAL AGENCIES STATEMENT OF WORK

  • Ticket means a list of:

  • Travel trailer means a vehicle:

  • Travel training means providing instruction, as appropriate, to children with significant cognitive disabilities, and any other children with disabilities who require this instruction, to enable them to:

  • travel distance means the distance an occupant has to travel to reach an exit.

  • Travel Advisory or Travel Warning means U.S. State Department communication advising caution in traveling to specified destinations due to reasons such as armed violence, civil or political unrest, high incidence of crime (specially kidnapping and/or murder), natural disaster or outbreak of one or more contagious diseases.

  • Travel costs ’ means expenses for transportation, lodging, subsistence (meals and incidentals), and related expenses incurred by employees who are on travel status on official business of the recipient for any travel outside the country in which the organization is located. “Travel costs” do not include expenses incurred by employees who are not on official business of the recipient, such as rest and recuperation (R&R) travel offered as part of an employee’s benefits package that are consistent with the recipient’s personnel and travel policies and procedures.

  • Travel retailer means a business entity that makes, arranges, or offers travel services and may offer and disseminate travel insurance as a service to its customers on behalf of and under the direction of a limited lines travel insurance producer.

  • Airline means any air transport enterprise offering or operating international air services;

  • Universal Digital Loop Carrier (UDLC means the DLC system that has a CO terminal channel bank that is connected to the CO switches on the analog side.

  • Travel Agent means the Travel Agent, tour operator, or other entity from which the Insured purchases his/her Insurance Policy or travel arrangements, and includes all officers, employees, and affiliates of the Travel Agent, tour operator or other entity.

  • Transient lodging means a room or a suite of rooms.

  • Travel Expenses means any costs incurred by Licensor associated with the transportation, storage or lodging of equipment, supplies, Licensor employees and other items necessary for business use from Licensor headquarters to Licensee’s facilities. Travel expenses may include, but are not limited to airfare, hotel costs, and meals if applicable. Any travel expenses paid by the Licensee shall be paid at allowable government travel rates consistent with Management Directive 230.10, unless otherwise first approved by the Licensee’s authorized representative.

  • Travel means all travel required to complete the tasks identified in the Scope of Work. Travel includes in-state and out-of-state travel, and travel to conferences. EPIC funds should be limited to lodging and any form of transportation (e.g., airfare, rental car, public transit, parking, mileage). Use of match funds for out-of-state travel is encouraged, because the Energy Commission might not approve the use of its funds for such travel. If an applicant plans to travel to conferences, including registration fees, they must use match funds. Applicants should be aware and adhere to specific travel restrictions when using state funds for travel to other states pursuant to AB 1887 (2016) and codified at California Government Code Section 11139.8. All applicants are encouraged to go to the Attorney General’s website for a current list of states subject to travel restrictions. Grants awarded under this solicitation shall not contain travel paid for with Commission funds (applicants can instead use match funds) to the listed states unless the Commission approves in writing that the trip falls within one of the exceptions under the law.

  • Passenger car means every motor vehicle other than a motorcycle designed and used primarily for

  • Bookings has the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.16.

  • Tickets means a ticket, voucher or other form of pass issued by FOHES permitting access to the Facility during the Event Period;

  • Taxicab driver means an individual who uses a taxicab to provide transportation services to potential passengers.

  • Approved abuse education training program means a training program using a curriculum approved by the abuse education review panel of the department of public health or a training program offered by a hospital, a professional organization for physicians, or the department of human services, the department of education, an area education agency, a school district, the Iowa law enforcement academy, an Iowa college or university, or a similar state agency.

  • Customer Specific Training means a private Course organized on demand specifically for Customer.

  • New jobs training program or “program” means the project or projects established by a community college for the creation of jobs by providing education and training of workers for new jobs for new or expanding industry in the merged area served by the community college. The proceeds of the certificates, as authorized by the Act, shall be used only to fund program services related to training programs made necessary by the creation of new jobs.

  • SAP Training Catalogue means the catalogue published by SAP containing details of SAP training courses and services.

  • Flight means any flight demonstration, flight test, taxi test, or other flight made in the performance of this contract, of for the purpose of safeguarding the aircraft, or previously approved in writing by the Contracting Officer.

  • Travel Supplier means any entity or organization that coordinates or supplies travel services for You.

  • Passenger Services means the Franchisee's railway passenger services as specified in any Timetable and/or Plan of the Day including those railway passenger services which the Franchisee may delegate or subcontract or otherwise secure through any other person from time to time in accordance with the Franchise Agreement;

  • Tourist means a person who travels from a place of residence to a different town, city, county, state, or country, for purposes of business, pleasure, recreation, education, arts, heritage, or culture.