Transport unit definition

Transport unit means a motor vehicle without an attached trailer, or a combination consisting of a motor vehicle and an attached trailer;
Transport unit means any packing case, pallet, container, flat rack, platform, trailer, transportable tank or other item used for or in connection with the carriage of Goods by land, sea or air.
Transport unit means a vessel, aircraft, locomotive, railway carriage, vehicle or pipeline, and includes a container or other transport equipment;

Examples of Transport unit in a sentence

  • Definition: A CCT unit shall be defined as minimally meeting Riverside County Ambulance Ordinance 756 CCT Transport unit staffing requirements and may include staffing such as physicians, mid-level providers (Registered Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant) in-lieu or in adjunct to Registered Nurse.

  • By the ALS Transport Agency that dispatched the BLS Transport unit.

  • In recent years the Integrated Transport unit has reviewed and researched the cost effectiveness of the council’s supported transport network.

  • Transport unit crews must avoid becoming separated so they can load and leave the scene expeditiously.

  • Transport unit must be advised of any insurance taken out on vehicles .There are legal implications which will require case specific advice.

More Definitions of Transport unit

Transport unit. - means any device used for the carriage, transportation or storage of the Goods including any container, tanker, tank, vehicle, trailer, vessel, train, aircraft or other equipment of any type whatsoever;
Transport unit means any device used for the carriage, transportation or storage of goods (whether loaded or unloaded) including any container, tanker, vehicle, trailer, vessel, aircraft or other equipment of any type.
Transport unit means aircrafts, freight containers of international specifications transported by road, railway wagons or road vehicles including trailers, semi-trailers;
Transport unit means a vehicle or container in which explosives or raw material are conveyed from one place to another at a factory or satellite site without using a public road. It includes a tow motor, forklift, wagon, handcart and basket, but does not include a conveyor or pipeline.
Transport unit means containers, trailers, flats, tilts, railway wagons, tanks, igloos or any other unit load devices specifically constructed for the carriage of goods by land, sea or air;
Transport unit means any device used for the carriage,
Transport unit means packing case, pallet,