Transport Department definition

Transport Department means and includes the Provincial Transport Department/Authority or the Regional Transport Authority.
Transport Department means the Transport Department of the City District Karachi.
Transport Department means the Department of Transport under the Government of West Bengal;

Examples of Transport Department in a sentence

  • The contractor should take care of all repairing/ maintenance of vehicle, with all applicable comprehensive insurance coverage and premium paid up to date, having valid pollution under control certificate, conforming to the latest requirements of the Transport Department of the Government of West Bengal.

  • Condition of CoverIf at the time of Incident giving rise to a claim under this endorsement, Your Car is carrying passengers in excess of the stated maximum number permitted by law, Our liability shall be limited to the number of passengers specified for the vehicle as registered at the Road Transport Department.

  • The Transport Contractor shall strictly abide by all rules and regulations of Transport Department, Police, Municipal Authorities and other local bodies.

  • When a road has to be closed to traffic a clear notice at least of 7 days shall be given by the contractor to the Executive Engineer who shall notify it to the Police Authorities and the Transport Department.

  • For arranging trucks from the Transport contactor will have to pay the amount as per / debit raised by the Transport Department .

  • The vehicles should conform to the Pollution norms prescribed, if any, by the Transport Department of Government of NCT of Delhi.

  • The capacity of trucks/tractor for loading purpose will be in tonnes as per Transport Department applicable norms and standard fixed by the Government.13.

  • Condition of CoverIf at the time of Incident giving rise to a claim under this endorsement, Your Motorcycle is carrying Pillion in excess of the stated maximum number permitted by law, Our liability shall be limited to the number of Pillion specified for the vehicle as registered at the Road Transport Department.

  • If a press release is required, it should include at least one English and one Chinese newspaper and should be arranged with SPO or the I&PR of Transport Department (for HyD projects), by the submission of a draft press release (Appendix 6.5) with the aforesaid documents.

  • The capacity of trucks/tractor for loading purpose will be in tonnes as per Transport Department applicable norms and standard fixed by the Government.

More Definitions of Transport Department

Transport Department means the Transport & Communication Department of the CDGK.
Transport Department means the administrative unit of the Public Service that is responsible for assisting a Minister in the administration of the Act;
Transport Department means Department of Transport (DTPB), Govt. of Punjab, State Transport Commissioner ,Punjab ,CEO and Member Secretary Punjab State Transport Society(PSTS)
Transport Department means and includes the provincial transport Department/Authority of the regional transfer Authority.
Transport Department means the Department of Transport under the Government of Bihar.

Related to Transport Department

  • Fire Department means an organized fire department as that term is defined in section 1 of the fire prevention code, 1941 PA 207, MCL 29.1.

  • Planning Department means the Planning Department of the City and County of San Francisco.

  • Finance Department means the Finance Department of the Government of Assam;

  • Health Department means the department of environmental quality, a city health department, a county health department, or a district health department, whichever has jurisdiction.

  • Head of Department means a senior manager as defined in the Municipal Finance Management Act and who is responsible for a vote as assigned by the accounting officer;

  • Head of the Department means the administrative head of the department or the organization;

  • government department means any department of the Government of the United Kingdom;

  • Local health department means the same as that term is defined in Section 26A-1-102.

  • the Department means the Department of the Environment;

  • Rechargeable Electrical Energy Storage System (REESS) means the rechargeable energy storage system that provides electric energy for electrical propulsion.

  • Sailboat means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18-2.

  • Transportation network company driver or “driver” means an

  • cogeneration means the simultaneous generation in one process of thermal energy and electrical or mechanical energy;

  • Waterworks or “water system” means all structures, conduits and appurtenances by means of which water is delivered to consumers except piping and fixtures inside buildings served, and service pipes from building to street main.