THIRD definition

THIRD. The balance, if any, to the Person or Persons entitled thereto.
THIRD. The balance, if any, to the Company.
THIRD shall be replaced by the word "second" in the third line of Section 5(a)(i) of the ISDA Form Master Agreement.

More Definitions of THIRD

THIRD. The purpose of the Corporation is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be organized under the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.
THIRD. FOURTH" and "FIFTH" of Section 3.3 hereof; and
THIRD fourth" and "fifth" of Section 3.03; and
THIRD. The balance, if any, to the Issuer.
THIRD the result of clause "Second" shall be reduced by the Previously Settled States Reduction; Fourth: the result of clause "Third" shall be reduced by the Non-Settling States Reduction; Fifth: in the case of payments due under subsections IX(c)(1) and IX(c)(2), the results of clause "Fourth" for each such payment due in the calendar year in question shall be apportioned among the Settling States pro rata in proportion to their respective Allocable Shares, and the resulting amounts for each particular Settling State shall then be added together to form such Settling State's Allocated Payment. In the case of payments due under subsection IX(i) that correspond to payments due under subsections IX(c)(1) or IX(c)(2), the results of clause "Fourth" for all such payments due from a particular Subsequent Participating Manufacturer in the calendar year in question shall be apportioned among the Settling States pro rata in proportion to their respective Allocable Shares, and the resulting amounts for each particular Settling State shall then be added together. (In the case of all other payments made pursuant to this Agreement, this clause "Fifth" is inapplicable.); Sixth: the NPM Adjustment shall be applied to the results of clause "Fifth" pursuant to subsections IX(d)(1) and (d)(2) (or, in the case of payments due from the Subsequent Participating Manufacturers, pursuant to subsection IX(d)(4)); Seventh: in the case of payments due from the Original Participating Manufacturers to which clause "Fifth" (and therefore clause "Sixth") does not apply, the result of clause "Fourth" shall be allocated among the Original Participating Manufacturers according to their Relative Market Shares. In the case of payments due from the Original Participating Manufacturers to which clause "Fifth" applies: (A) the Allocated Payments of all Settling States determined pursuant to clause "Fifth" (prior to reduction pursuant to clause "Sixth") shall be added together; (B) the resulting sum shall be allocated among the Original Participating Manufacturers according to their Relative Market Shares and subsection (B)(iii) of Exhibit E hereto (if such subsection is applicable); (C) the Available NPM Adjustment (as determined pursuant to clause "Sixth") shall be allocated among the Original Participating Manufacturers pursuant to subsection IX(d)(3); (D) the respective result of step (C) above for each Original Participating Manufacturer shall be subtracted from the respective result of step (B)...
THIRD. If any funds shall be left remaining, to the Company.”
THIRD. To pay all liabilities of the Partnership to the Partners, pro rata according to the amounts of their respective liabilities; then